How to remove/uninstall Charon on Windows (Charon Cleaner)
In some situations it may be necessary to remove all Charon products when the Installer cannot perform the operation. It is highly recommended however to use the InstallShell program first and perform the uninstallation as described in the related Users Guide
Related products: Charon-AXP, Charon-VAX and Charon-PDP
Step-by-step guide
Utility assisted cleaning
- Stop all Charon virtual machines and utilities: launcher, logmond, etc...
- For versions 4.7 and below: if virtual machines are defined as services, run the Charon Service Manager, delete all existing virtual machines and exit the Charon Service Manager.
For versions 4.8 and above: run the Charon Virtual Machines Manager, delete all existing virtual machines and exit the Charon Virtual Machines Manager.
If the service cannot be deleted this way, use the "
" Windows command to delete the service.
Example:c:\Charon> sc delete myds10
- Remove existing scheduled jobs related to Charon: license expiration check, number of dongle connected monitor utility, etc... (if installed)
- Download and execute the Charon Cleaner utility available below:
- Delete all shortcuts to Charon utilities remaining on the desktop
- Reboot the Windows server
Manual cleaning
- Stop all Charon virtual machines and utilities: launcher, logmond, etc...
- For versions 4.7 and below: if virtual machines are defined as services, run the Charon Service Manager, delete all existing virtual machines and exit the Charon Service Manager.
For versions 4.8 and above: run the Charon Virtual Machines Manager, delete all existing virtual machines and exit the Charon Virtual Machines Manager.
If the service cannot be deleted this way, use the "
" Windows command to delete the service.
Example:c:\Charon> sc delete myds10
- Remove existing scheduled jobs related to Charon: license expiration check, number of dongle connected monitor utility, etc... (if installed)
. - Disable the CHARON_WS Windows service if present (webui). Reboot the Windows server if the service was active.
. Remove the “
” folder in “C:\Program Files
” and “C:\Program Files (x86)
.- Remove the “
” folder.
. - Remove the “
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Charon
” folder.
. Remove all shortcuts pointing to Charon in the "
%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
" folder.
.Remove all shortcuts on the desktop related to Charon.
.- In the registry delete the following key:
- For versions prior to 4.8: "
" - For versions starting with 4.8: "
.To do so, open "
" applet by typing "regedit
" in the "Start->Search for program and files" box.
- For versions prior to 4.8: "
- Reboot the Windows server
Related articles
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