VMS - Line editing tips
VMS - Line editing tips
Some tips for line editing: switch between insert/overstrike mode, go to end of line, go to beginning of line, etc...
Step-by-step guide
Switch the terminal to insert or overstrike mode
Method | Description |
| Sets the terminal to insert mode. This feature allows you to insert characters when editing command lines. The default mode is overstrike, which allows you to type over the current character when editing a command line. Press Ctrl/A to switch from one mode to the other. |
| Sets the terminal to overstrike mode. This feature allows you to type over the current character when you are editing a command line. Set your terminal to insert mode if you want to insert characters when editing command lines. Press Ctrl/A to switch from one mode to the other. |
Press CTRL + A | Toggle between insert and overstrike modes |
Go to end or beginning of line
- Place cursor at end of line: CTRL + E (mnemonic: E for End)
- Place cursor at beginning of line: CTRL + H (mnemonic: H for Home)
HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary - SET TERMINAL command
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