Enabling logging in Sentinel Admin Control Center

Enabling logging in Sentinel Admin Control Center

Table of contents


The Sentinel Admin Control Center (SACC) offers the possibility to enable access and error log files. By default, the "Access log" option from the SACC page displays volatile information since the last start of the "Sentinel LDK License Manager" service (hasplms) on Windows or the aksusbd service on Linux, no log is written to disk. Enabling logging helps identifying causes of errors. This can be a license accessed by another host, an invalid software license or a license going into cloned state.

(info) More information is available on the provider's web site: Sentinel Admin Control Center.

Step-by-step guide

Using the graphical user interface

Open the http://localhost:1947 page on the host serving the license(s)* and select the Configuration option from the left pane then select the Basic Settings (default tab):

*: if "Allow Remote Access to ACC" is enabled and firewall settings allow you to do this, you can access the page from another host, replacing "localhost" by the server name or IP address.

You can check the "Write an Access Log File" and decide whether to set up a size limit. Depending on your needs you can include more information like "Remote Request".

The "Error Log File" can provide useful errors related to software licenses for example, like invalid licenses found in the license folder (for Charon, licenses are stored in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\Sentinel LDK\installed\68704" folder) or the date and time a software license went into cloned state.

Checking the "Write Log Files Daily" option or defining a size limit affects the naming and location of the log files, see chapter Log files below for more. When a size limit is reached, the current log file name will be renamed and a new one will be created.

(warning) Click the "Submit" button to validate the changes.

Using command lines

Configuration files location:

WindowsC:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\hasplm.ini

Edit the configuration file using your favorite text editor and change one of the following parameters (the example is given based on the settings from the screenshot above):

requestlog = 1
loglocal = 0
logremote = 0
logadmin = 0
errorlog = 1
rotatelogs = 0
access_log_maxsize = 5000 ;kB
error_log_maxsize = 5000 ;kB

(question) the file does not exist by default, it is created on first update from the SACC web page. If the file does not exist, you can get one on this page: How-to enable remote connection to Sentinel Admin Control Center without GUI.

(lightbulb) Additionally you can set up an automatic deletion of rotated log files by specifying the retention number in the delete_logs_days parameter.

Save the changes and restart the "Sentinel LDK License Manager" service (hasplms) on Windows ((warning) this can be done only is no emulator is running and if the service stop is forced, running emulators will stop too because of service dependencies) or the "aksusbd" service on Linux for the changes to be taken into account ((info) on Linux, running Charon emulators will not be affected as they have a test and retry mechanism in case access to the license is lost for a short period of time).

Log files


Default settings (with or without size limit)Daily log files
WindowsC:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASPC:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Aladdin Shared\HASP\log


Access log fileError log file
Default settingsaccess.logerror.log
Daily log filesYYYY_MM_DD_access.log1YYYY_MM_DD_error.log1

Size limit set with daily log files disabled

Current log file: access.log

Rotated log file: access.NNNNN.log2

Current log file: error.log

Rotated log file: error.NNNNN.log2

Size limit set with daily log files enabled

Current log file: YYYY_MM_DD_access.log1

Rotated log file: YYYY_MM_DD_access.NNNNN.log1+2

Current log file: YYYY_MM_DD_error.log1

Rotated log file: YYYY_MM_DD_error.NNNNN.log1+2

1: where YYYY_MM_DD represents year (4 digits), month (2 digits) and day (2 digits)

2: where NNNNN is an incremental number (5 digits) starting with 00001

Error log examples

Invalid license file (here expecting .v2c files):

2021-12-04 14:32:01 [5096] '550033585768678962_base.v2c.20211109-111244' is not valid license file
2021-12-04 14:32:01 [5096] '550033585768678962_update1.v2c.20211109-111244' is not valid license file

Cloned license:

2021-12-06 11:44:06 [377] Loaded unusable v2c '855388180107497476_base.v2c' for clone detected

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