Slow CMS operations on fast CHARON-VAX host

Slow CMS operations on fast CHARON-VAX host


CMS ("Code Management System") may appear very slow in guest OS (VMS) on certain fast CHARON-VAX hosts. A process running CMS places itself into hibernation for unknown reason, and wakes up once a second. This regular hibernation makes the CMS utility very slow. Reason for hibernation is not clear and appears to be a "feature" of CMS.


To workaround this problem a special utility "FRCWAK" ("FoRCed WAKeup") has been developed by Stromasys. It wakes up the process running CMS 10 times a second. Which effectively reduces total time the process stays in hibernation, and makes the CMS utility moving faster.

To apply the workaround:
  1. Download zip archive containing a disk image with "FRCWAK" utility executable.
  2. Unzip the archive.
  3. Mount this disk image under host OS (VMS) and copy the utility to "sys$sysdevice:[frcwak]" folder.
  4. Use it in the following way:

    $ run /process='f$getjpi("","PID")' sys$sysdevice:[frcwak]frcwak
    $ < ... CMS operations ... >
    $ stop 'f$getjpi("","PID")'

    Note that the PID of the process which needs wakeup is passed to "FRCWAK" utility through name of the process running the utility.

  5. In certain situations the provided executable of "FRCWAK" utility has to be re-compiled. Use its source code for that (this source code is also available on the utility's disk image - see above):

    $ cc/list frcwak.c
    $ link frcwak


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