HASP Common Error codes translation

Error code translation table

(info) The up-to-date list of error codes is available on the Sentinel webpage here: Sentinel Licensing API Status Codes

Error code


Too many open sessions.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

"Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (4).

Warning! Program running on a terminal server, license access might be limited!"

This error occurs when trying to create a .c2v file via a remote connection.

Possible workaround on Windows: See How to read a HASP key over RDP on Windows.

Possible workaround on Linux: Run the command via ssh to localhost, for example:

ssh localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view -c2v <filename>


Sentinel protection key not available.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

"Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (7)."

Connect the license dongle or install a software license.

Due to a software bug, this error can also occur when the license is connected. Please refer to Charon-AXP and Charon-VAX license not found error for a detailed description and a workaround.



Sentinel protection key with the specified key ID not found.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

"Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (50)."

Connect the license dongle with the correct key ID or correct the parameter specifying the key ID.
Required XML tags not found, or
contents in binary data are missing or invalid
If this error occurs when trying to apply a V2C file to a system, the most likely cause is a corruption of the V2C file content. For example, an XML tag may be invalid. In some cases it is possible to edit the V2C file and fix the problem. Please refer to Unable to apply license file, V2C file data is invalid for more details.


Program running on a terminal server.

Displayed hasp_srm_view message:

Sentinel HASP key not found or of improper type (27).
Warning! Program running on a terminal server, license access might be limited!

The Sentinel key content cannot be displayed when connected via a remote connection.

Possible workaround on Windows: See How to read a HASP key over RDP on Windows.

Possible workaround on Linux: Run the command via ssh to localhost, for example:

ssh localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view


Requested Feature not found

In addition to a required feature missing on the key, this error can also occur if proper connection to the key is lost. Removing and reinserting solves the problem in this case. A solution without removing the dongle is described in Charon for Linux - Detected removal of the license whereas dongle is connected.



Communication error between API and local Sentinel License Manager

This error code indicates that the Sentinel license manager software is not running.


Too many users are currently connected. This error occurs, when more than the allowed number of license clients try to connect to a license (typically a network license).


  • Define the correct license key to use in the emulator configuration. This should work in most cases. As this is different for different products, please refer to the user's guide of your product.
  • If the above does not work for some reason, block access to the license for unauthorized license clients (via Sentinel ACC or firewall entries).


Session was interrupted.

This can occur when certain updates are applied to the license while a session is active. For example:

  • A Feature required by the session was deleted.
  • The license was canceled.
  • The network (remote license) support setting for a required Feature was changed. (In this case, all sessions will be interrupted, including local sessions.)

This may also indicate that the protection key is not available.



The Sentinel License Manager version is too old.

There is a version mismatch. Check if your Sentinel Runtime version is the correct one for your Charon product. In case of questions, contact your VAR or your Stromasys representative for guidance.


For a Sentinel SL key, an input/output error occurred in the secure storage area.
For a Sentinel HL key, a USB communication error occurred.

For a hardware dongle, verify the USB connection. If the USB port works and the aksusbd is running, consider a possible failure of the dongle.

For a software license, this very likely indicates a software license problem caused by a change on the host system. You can try to revert any changes, but this will not necessarily make the license operational again (see HASP Software Licensing restrictions).



Unable to find Vendor library.

If this error occurs when you try to install a software license with the Sentinel Admin Control Center, refer to the following document for a possible workaround: HASP_NO_VLIB error 48 message when installing a software license.


Unable to locate any Feature matching scope.

This error can occur when you have specified a license key id in the configuration file and this license key cannot be read (unplugged)

Configuration file example:

set session license_key_id[0]=367006676

set session license_key_id[1]=1619329274

Log file example:

20151210:161139:INFO :0:000003BB:ll_sentine( 736):  Looking for regular license key 367006676 ...

20151210:161139:ERROR:2:000003E8:ll_sentine( 379):  Sentinel HASP RunTime Error 50.

20151210:161139:INFO :0:000003BC:ll_sentine( 736):  Looking for backup license key 1619329274 ...

Possible solutions:

  • Reconnect the missing license
  • Update the configuration file by either removing the faulty license key id (in the case above, id 367006676) or by updating with the new one (this requires Charon to be restarted)


Trying to install a V2C (vendor to customer) file with an update counter that is out of sequence with the update counter on the Sentinel protection key. The update counter value in the V2C file is lower than the value in Sentinel protection key.

Apply all other license key updates, even if they have expired, then attempt to reapply the failed update. If this still does not resolve the problem, contact Stromasys Orders Administration with a new C2V (customer to vendor) file.


Trying to install a V2C file with an update counter that is out of sequence with update counter in the Sentinel protection key.

The first value in the V2C file is greater than the value in the Sentinel protection key.

Apply the V2C files in the correct sequence or request an update which disregards the unapplied update. See also Sentinel Admin Control Center - Attach/Update errors.


Cloned Sentinel SL storage was detected. Feature is unavailable.

Indicates that the system on which the fingerprint was created was changed in a way that affects the validity of the license (e.g., cloning a VM).

For more, see:



The message indicates you are trying to update the license with a V2C file that has already been applied, either the V2C format file ( _fmt ) or the update file.

Check the current applied license or request for new V2C files. See also License Update Service utility reports "update was already installed".


A secure storage ID mismatch occurred. If a software license is used, this error can occur if host system hardware characteristics are changed.

To avoid the problem, do not change any hardware characteristics of a host system when using software licenses. If the error occurs, try to revert any changes. However, this may not solve the problem. In this case, contact your partner or Stromasys support.


An HL key is being shared between several systems. When this error occurs, a "sharing violation" message is also displayed on the relevant page in Admin Control Center.

This error can happen, for example, if a license key is passed through to a virtual machine and used by the Hypervisor system at the same time.

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