Access from Remote Clients

Access from Remote Clients


The Sentinel license manager on the license server can be configured to allow or disallow access from remote clients to the network licenses installed on the license server. To access this configuration option, perform the following steps on the license server:

1. Open a web-browser and go to the URL http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_from.html (option: Configuration / Access from Remote Clients).

2. This opens a page similar to the following. Please note: newer Charon emulator products (e.g., Charon-AXP/VAX version 4.9 and Charon-PAR 1.10) have newer versions of Sentinel ACC. The pages of these versions look different, but the functionality remains mostly the same.

Old ACC version:

New ACC version:

Or for versions starting with 8.x:

3. Possible actions:

    • To allow access from remote clients, activate the check-box next to the field Allow Access from Remote Clients or Anyone and cloud licenses can be consumed without identity and press Submit at the bottom of the page.
      To allow access from remote clients, network visibility on the "Network" tab must be set to All Network Adapters.
    • To refuse access from remote clients, clear the check-box next to the field Allow Access from Remote Clients or select No one, and press Submit.
    • Access Restrictions allow refining access rules, e.g., by specifying IP addresses. Please refer to Sentinel ACC help for details.

Sentinel ACC versions 8.x and higher have additional configuration options on this screen (mostly cloud related). These options are not relevant to Charon emulator products.

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