Sentinel Keys Screen
To get to the Sentinel Keys screen, click on the corresponding menu item or access the URL http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html directly. A screen similar to the following opens and displays the available license keys: For Sentinel drivers version 7.60 and above, this screen looks similar to the following: This page displays important information about the available licenses, including The buttons on the right-hand side can be used to retrieve more information about the license or to extract the C2V file for a license update. The Browse button shown for network licenses will connect to the remote license manager to show the license features. A C2V file can only be extracted if the license in question is local to the current license manager, i.e., the license manager to which the web browser is connected. You can connect to a remote license manager by clicking on the hostname in the Location column (if connections are allowed). Please note: The menu options Products, Features and Sessions on the left-hand side provide the same information as the buttons. However, they show the information for all licenses.
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