Security Settings for Sentinel Admin Control Center
Stromasys strongly recommends performing the steps described below to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to the Sentinel ACC.
To improve the security of the Sentinel Admin Control Center, perform the following steps:
Setting a GUI Password
By default, anyone on the local system with access to port 1947 can access the GUI. If remote access is enabled, users on the network with access to port 1947 can also access the GUI. To protect access to the GUI with a password, perform the following steps: Step Description Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:1947/. Click on the left-hand menu item labeled Configuration. Click on the Basic Settings tab. At the Change Password window: Back at the Basic Settings tab: Optional: to allow remote access to the Sentinel HASP GUI: Additional information for remote access to the Sentinel HASP GUI: If required, remote access can also be enabled on Linux by editing the file /etc/hasplm/hasplm.ini 1 2 3 4 Under the entry labeled Password Protection, click the Change Password button. 5 6 7
and setting the parameter ACCremote to 1. Should the file not yet exist, refer to
How-to enable remote connection to Sentinel Admin Control Center without GUI, or to the Sentinel ACC Selected Configuration File Parameters chapter in the Tools Reference section of the licensing handbook.
The parameter to enable network visibility is bind_local_only. It must be set to 0 to enable all adapters. Changed settings are recognized automatically by aksusbd.
Protecting the Sentinel HASP Configuration File on Linux
To prevent unprivileged access and modifications to the Sentinel HASP configuration file on Linux, enter the following commands: The file hasplm.ini on Windows is readable by normal users but cannot be modified. Password information is encrypted.# chmod 0700 /etc/hasplm
# chmod 0600 /etc/hasplm/*
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