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General description

CHARON-AXP supports emulation of DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter via CHARON PCI Pass Through mode (using a specific CHARON PCI Pass Through driver).

CHARON PCI Pass Through mode enables connection between the virtual DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter and the physical DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter plugged into a hosting server PCI bus.

Loading DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter

Syntax for loading DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter:

load defpa <name>


load defpa FDDI

By default DEFPA adapter uses first available PCI slot. If instead some particular slot is needed, refer to this section for details of specific placement of PCI peripherals on CHARON Virtual Machine (VM) PCI bus.

In AlphaStation 400 configuration use the following syntax for DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter loading:

load defpa FDDI irq_bus = isa


Configuration parameters

The DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter emulation has only one configuration parameter:


TypeText String

Establish connection between virtual DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter and physical DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter installed on CHARON host (pass through mode)


load defpa <controller name> host_bus_location="PCI bus X, device Y, function Z"


"PCI bus X"PCI bus number of the host DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter
"device Y"PCI bus device number of the host DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter
"function Z"The "function" parameter of the the host DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter


load defpa FDDI host_bus_location="PCI bus 3, device 1, function 0"


Installation of  DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter

  1. Install the DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter to some spare PCI slot of the host system
  2. Boot a Windows operating system
  3. Open “Computer Management”
  4. Select “Device Manager”
  5. In the right window select the desired physical FDDI adapter connected to the system, right-click the mouse button, and the corresponding menu will appear.
  6. From the menu select “Update driver…”. Windows will show “Hardware Upgrade Wizard”
  7. Select “No, not this time”, click “Next”
  8. Select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”, click “Next”
  9. Select “Don’t search. I will choose the driver to install”, click “Next”
  10. Click “Have Disk…”. Windows shows dialog “Install From Disk”
  11. Instead of “A:\”, click “Browse” and select path to the folder in which driver’s INF file is located (typically "C:\Program Files\CHARON\Drivers\DEFPA_X.X.0.XXXXX"), select “defpa_ppt_amd64.inf”, and click “Open”
  12. The “Hardware Upgrade Wizard” should have “CHARON DEFPA FDDI adapter”. Select it, and click “Next”
  13. There will be one or two more dialogs, but they are usual for device driver installation.
  14. Reboot the host

Upon completion, a new device will appear in the device manager with the CHARON logo on it.

Mapping to host DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter

Open “Computer Management” application and select “Device Manager”:

In the right panel select the installed DEFPA PCI FDDI adapter:

Open its properties sheet by double-clicking on the selected adapter:


 The “Location:” on the above picture gives X, Y, and Z for the "host_bus_location" parameter, for example:

set FDDI host_bus_location = "PCI bus 1, device 8, function 0"

(warning) Non-US-EN installations of Windows may present “Location:” string in local language, but "host_bus_location" parameter requires English notation, so the words “PCI”, “bus”, “device”, and “function” must be specified in English.

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