[ttyb] Section

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[ttyb] Section

The ttya section is used to configure the first serial port (sometimes used as the console) on the SPARC virtual machine.  Using these options it is possible to attach the virtual serial port to a network socket or a physical serial port attached to the host.  The list below describes the options that can be configured:

  • port – Virtual serial port specification.
  • type – Virtual serial port type.


Virtual serial port specification.


port = port-spec


This option is dependent on the setting of the type option.  The table below describes the valid values for port-spec.

Virtual Serial Port Types
Port TypePort SpecificationDescription
physicalPath to physical device, e.g. /dev/ttyS1The virtual serial port will be attached to a physical serial port attached to the host.
socketTCP/IP socket number, e.g. 9000The virtual serial port will be attached to a network port that can be connected to


Virtual serial port type.


type = port-type


This option configures how the alternate serial port will be connected.  The table below lists the possible values for port-type and their purpose.

Virtual Serial Port Types
Port TypeDescription
physicalThe virtual serial port will be connected to a physical, host-attached serial port.
socketThe virtual serial port is to be connected to a network socket.

For details of the port specification, see the port section.

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