[log] Section

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[log] Section

This section describes the configuration of the CHARON-SSP for Linux virtual machine logging facility.  The following lists the properties supported by this section:

  • destination – Logging facility output destination.
  • path – Logging output path.
  • severity – Logging severity level.

It is important to note that all properties in this section must be configured correctly to ensure that the virtual machine will start. If the following message is received, something in the logging section is not configured correctly.

Failed to setup log!

Faults in the logging facility configuration could be:

  • Incorrect path or insufficient privilege to create the file,
  • Unconfigured property or properties, or
  • Misconfigured property value.


Logging facility output destination.


destination = log-destination


This property controls the destination of the logging facility output.  The table below lists all possible values for log-destination.

Logging Destination Keywords
allWrite output to all possible destinations.
consoleWrite output to the /dev/console device only.
fileWrite output to the file specified by path only.


Logging output path.


path = log-path


Specify a path in log-path to write virtual machine logging messages to.

This configuration property must be present, even if destination is set to a value other than all or file.


Logging severity level.


severity = level


Virtual machine logging messages are arranged into levels to make messages more relevant and reduce log file size.  The severity property controls which level messages are included in the logging output.  The list below lists these levels from most to least verbose.  Setting logging to a specific level also includes all levels below it.  For example, setting severity to warning ensures that error and fatal are also included in the output and other levels are not.

Logging Severity Levels
 debugDebug and all lower level messages are logged.
infoInformational and all lower level messages are logged.
warningWarning and all lower level messages are logged.
errorError and all lower level messages are logged.
fatalOnly fatal error messages are logged.

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