[ethernet] Section

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[ethernet] Section

This section describes the virtual Ethernet adapters attached to the virtual machine.  The following list describes the available options:

  • interface – Attach virtual Ethernet interface to host attached adapter.
  • mac – Specify virtual Ethernet adapter MAC address.

For virtual models that support the feature, it is possible to configure multiple Ethernet controllers.  For an example configuration and details on section naming, see [ethernet_n] Section.


Attach virtual Ethernet interface to host attached adapter.


interface = host-device


The interface option is used to attach the virtual Ethernet adapter to a physical host adapter.


Specify virtual Ethernet adapter MAC address.


mac = aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff


This optional parameter can be used to force the physical address of the network adapter to a certain address.  This can be particularly relevant in the case where a software product may be licensed against the network adapter of a native SPARC system.

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