Charon-SSP Software Deinstallation

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Charon-SSP Software Deinstallation


Deinstalling the Charon Manager

Perform the following steps to deinstall the Charon Manager from your Linux management system:

Log in as the root user. 


Run the deinstallation command:

For systems with RPM package management (Red Hat, CentOS):
    # yum erase <package-name>

For systems with Debian package management (Debian, Ubuntu):
    # dpkg -r <package-name>

Terminating the Charon-SSP AWS instance

To permanently remove your Charon-SSP AWS instance, select your instance from the instance list and select Actions > Instance state > Terminate.

This will stop the instance and remove it. Unless your data (configuration files, vdisk containers, etc.) was stored on a separate EBS volume, it will also be removed.

(warning) Make sure you backup any data you wish to retain before terminating an instance.

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