__Include: Charon-SSP V4.0.5 - Charon-SSP Software Deinstallation


Deinstalling the Charon Manager from the Local System

Perform the following steps to deinstall the Charon Manager from your Linux management system:

Log in as the root user. 


Run the deinstallation command:

For systems with RPM package management (Red Hat, CentOS):
    # yum erase <package-name>

For systems with Debian package management (Debian, Ubuntu):
    # dpkg -r <package-name>

(info) Please refer to the general Charon-SSP user's guide for instructions on how to deinstall the Charon Manager on Windows.

Terminating the Charon-SSP Cloud Instance

To permanently remove your Charon-SSP cloud instance, select your instance from the list of active virtual machines and select to terminate or delete the instance. Please refer to your cloud provider documentation for details about this operation.

This will stop the instance and remove it. Unless your data (configuration files, vdisk containers, etc.) was stored on a separate disk volume, it will also be removed (this may be dependent on cloud-specific settings).

(warning) Make sure you backup any data you wish to retain before terminating an instance.

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