Table of Contents
General Description
CHARON-AXP offers two-port serial console on all supported AXP models.
Example for OPA0 console ("COM1" port):
set COM1 alias=OPA0 |
Starting with Charon-AXP V4.11 build 204-14, the line above is optional. OPA0 is mapped by default to COM1.
Example when using the TTA0 console ("COM2" port):
set COM2 alias=TTA0 |
Refer to Mapping Serial line controllers to system resources for details of mapping.
CHARON emulated console supports only 80 symbols in one line.
General parameters
CHARON-AXP console lines COM1 and COM2 have the following parameters:
All the values in the following tables are case insensitive.
Parameter | alias |
Type | Identifier |
Value | This parameter is used to set an useful name for COM1 or COM2 ports. It can be any name, for example "Console1", but usually it is "OPA0" for COM1 and "TTA0" for COM2. This name is logged in CHARON log file, it can also be used for parametrization in CHARON configuration file along with "COM1" and "COM2" identifiers. The main purpose of this parameter is migration from old CHARON systems (which do not have the described implementation of consoles) to the current design, since it allows retaining the original name used for parametrization, since the rest of the parameters stay the same in both implementations. This note applies to builds before 204-13 If the "alias" parameter is not specified CHARON log file will miss the name for the given console, for example " : Connected. Remote" will be displayed instead of "OPA0 : Connected. Remote". So it is always recommended to specify the "alias" parameter. Example:
Parameter | communication |
Type | Text string |
Value |
Parameter | baud |
Type | Numeric |
Value | Forces the baud rate of the corresponding COM port to be a specified value. The variety of supported values depends on the underlying physical communication resource (COM port). The most widely used values are: 300, 1200, 9600, 19200, 38400. Example:
Parameter | break_on |
Type | Text string |
Value | Specifies what byte sequences received over the physical serial line will trigger a HALT command. This parameter works only for the console line. Specify the following values: "Ctrl-P", "Break" or "none" ("none" disables triggering a HALT condition). If your guest operating system is OpenVMS in addition to "none" setting you have to set a specific console parameter "controlp" to "off" in the following way:
The second line is to preserve the ROM settings. Example:
The default value is "Break".
Parameter | stop_on |
Type | Text string |
Value | Specifies what byte sequences received over the physical serial line will trigger a STOP condition. The STOP condition causes CHARON Virtual Machine (VM) to exit. Specify the one of the following values: “F6” or “none” ("none" disables triggering a STOP condition). Example:
The default value is "none". Setting "F6" triggers the STOP condition upon receipt of the "
Parameter | log |
Type | Text string |
Value | A string specifying a file name to store the content of the console sessions or a directory where the log files for each individual session will be stored. If an existing directory is specified, CHARON VM automatically enables creation of individual log files, one for each session using the same scheme as used for the generation of the rotating log files. If the "log" parameter is omitted, CHARON VM does not create a console log. Example 1:
Example 2:
Rotating logs notes
Parameter | log_file_size |
Type | Text string |
Value | If log rotation is enabled, the log_file_size parameter determines the log file size threshold at which the log is automatically rotated.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Parameter | log_flush_period |
Type | Numeric |
Value |
Defines a period of flushing log to disk. Default period is 60 seconds (it means that every minute log file is flushed to disk) Example:
Parameter | port |
Type | Numeric |
Value | The TCP/IP port number for the virtual serial line. A virtual serial line always listens on this port for incoming connection requests. If multiple virtualized machines are running on a server, ensure the port number is unique across the platform. |
Parameter | application |
Type | Text string |
Value | An application (a terminal emulator is assumed in most cases) to be started on initialization of this serial line emulation. The specified application startup string may contain all required parameters Example:
In this example the terminal emulator application "putty" is started with the parameters:
The "application" parameter is often combined with a "port" parameter:
The |
Parameter | connection_override |
Type | text string |
Value | "enable" Allows new connection to override existing connection, if any. Enabled connection override on OPA0 allows to intercept virtual serial console. When emulator detects new connection request on the port (10003 for the below example), it closes old connection, if any, and switches to the new one. Example: set COM1 alias = OPA0 set OPA0 port = 10003 connection_override = enable ![]() load virtual_serial_line ... ). |
Available only since build 204-14
Parameter | access_control |
Type | text string |
Value | "disable" Since build 204-13, Incoming connection requests are by default filtered for virtual serial lines and then allowed only for the localhost. This is to avoid security scanners that can block the port. Example:
Mapping Serial line controllers to system resources
Parameter | line |
Type | Text string |
Value | A defined COM port on a host system in the form of "\\.\COMn" (or "COM<n>:") Example:
OPA0 console configuration examples
Using legacy syntax (not recommended)
This example maps OPA0 to port 10003, enable F6 key (emulator stop) and logs the console input/output to a rotating log file in its home directory:
Using new syntax (recommended)
This example maps OPA0 to port 10003, enable F6 key (emulator stop), logs the console input/output to a rotating log file in its home directory and enables the connection_override feature:
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