PBXDA-AB Serial Board Driver
The PBXDA-AB Serial Board requires that a third-party driver, supplied by Digi International, be installed so that OpenVMS Alpha can access it.
After attaching the virtual disk, as described in Preparing to Install the Guest Utilities, use the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility to install the PBCDA-AB Driver.
When installing the driver it is important to pick the installation package that is appropriate for the OpenVMS Alpha version installed on the guest system. By using the following PRODUCT
command to install the packages it is possible to select the appropriate driver from a list.
The following table describes the package that should be selected for specific OpenVMS Alpha versions.
OpenVMS Alpha Version | PCSI Choice | Product Name |
V6.2 | 1 | DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER D1.3-0 |
V7.n | 2 | DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_7 D1.3-0 |
V8.n | 3 | DIGI AXPVMS DBDRIVER_8 D1.5-0 |
The following example demonstrates the PCSI PRODUCT INSTALL
commands and output shown when installing the DIGI DGDRIVER on an OpenVMS Alpha V8.3 virtual machine (the example assumes the utilities virtual disk image is attached as DKA400:
1 - DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER D1.3-0 Layered Product
2 - DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_7 D1.3-0 Layered Product
3 - DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_8 D1.5-0 Layered Product
4 - All products listed above
? - Help
E - Exit
Choose one or more items from the menu: 3
-PCSI-I-NOTSIGNED, product kit is not signed and therefore has no manifest file
The referenced product is not installed and a kit for it was not found
in the source directory.
It is not yet known if this reference is a "hard" or a "soft" dependency.
If the product you are installing identifies the referenced product as a
prerequisite, the PCSI utility will terminate the installation after the
configuration phase, but before the execution phase begins. However, if
the software dependency is expressed as part of a configuration option
of the product, the PCSI utility will mark the option as unselectable
during the configuration phase so that the product can be installed.
Do you want to continue? [YES]
The following product has been selected:
DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_8 D1.5-0 Layered Product
Do you want to continue? [YES] YES
Configuration phase starting ...
You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for
any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements.
DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_8 D1.5-0: Digi AccelePort Device Driver for VMS 8.x
The Digi AccelePort Device Driver package allows a VMS system administrator
to install, configure, and use the following intelligent, multi-connect
serial adapters:
o Digi AccelePort Xr adapters for ISA and PCI
o Digi AccelePort Xr 920 adapters for ISA and PCI
o Digi AccelePort EPC adapters for ISA, EISA and PCI
o Digi AccelePort Xem adapters for ISA, EISA and PCI
o Digi AccelePort C/X adapters for ISA, EISA and PCI
© Digi International 1995. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1988-96 Digi International Inc., All Rights Reserved
This software contains proprietary and confidential information of
Digi International Inc. By accepting transfer of this copy, Recipient
agrees to retain this software in confidence, to prevent disclosure to
others, and to make no use of this software other than that for which it
was delivered. This is an unpublished copyright work Digi International
Inc. Except as permitted by federal law, 17 USC 117, copying is
strictly prohibited.
Digi International Inc. CONFIDENTIAL - (Digi International Inc.
Confidential when combined with the aggregated modules for this
(C) COPYRIGHT Digi International Inc. 1996
All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with Digi International
Digi International
This software product is sold by:
Digi International
Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] YES
The /HELP option is required; if you didn't use it, do not continue.
(If you can read this text, the /HELP option was used)
Do you want to continue? [YES] YES
Do you want to review the options? [NO] NO
Execution phase starting ...
The following product will be installed to destination:
Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
The following product has been installed:
DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_8 D1.5-0 Layered Product
DIGI AXPVMS DGDRIVER_8 D1.5-0: Digi AccelePort Device Driver for VMS 8.x
Post Installation Procedure
The installation procedure has created the logical "DIGI$DRIVER"
which defines the location of the installed software kit. To ensure
that this logical is defined after each reboot, add the contents of
the following file to the SYS$STARTUP:SYLOGICALS.COM file:
Once the installation procedure is complete, you must configure the
driver by executing the following command:
This configuration command should be executed once now, and once each
time that the hardware configuration changes. This command procedure
automates driver configuration, and will generate a command procedure
to be added to the system startup as described below.
You should take the time to examine the release notes which are
included in this distribution. To find these notes, execute the
following commands:
Users of this product require the following process resource limits:
BYTLM minimum 45000
This product requires the following SYSGEN parameters:
MAXBUF minimum 45000
Insert the following lines in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM:
Configuration of the PXBDA-BA Serial Board is performed using the procedures mentioned in the post installation task list seen after installation (see the example above). The adapters themselves are configured using the procedure @DIGI$DRIVER:DG_SETUP.COM.
During the configuration process it will be necessary to select the serial adapter type. The PXBDA-AB is also known as a Digi AccelePort Xr 920 PCI and this is the model that should be selected.
The driver itself is loaded by adding @DIGI$DRIVER:DIGI_INSTALL_EPCA.COM
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