Idle Powersaver Driver
The Idle Powersaver Driver is a software product that works with CHARON-AXP/SMA(+) to significantly reduce host CPU usage. This software detects when OpenVMS Alpha enters its idle loop and instructs CHARON-AXP/SMA(+) to stall the virtual machine to use less host CPU cycles.
Please note that it is not recommended to use the Idle Powersaver Driver in a real-time processing environment. Use of this driver will result in I/O performance degradation.
After attaching the virtual disk, as described in Preparing to Install the Guest Utilities, use the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility to install the Idle Powersaver Driver. The following example demonstrates the PCSI PRODUCT INSTALL
commands to execute and the expected output (the example assumes the utilities virtual disk image is attached at DKA400:
Before installing idle one should make sure that for VMS version V6.2 up to V7.1-2 the PCSI kit VMS62TO71U2_PCSI has been installed.
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