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hasp_srm_view –CHARON Sentinel HASP Utility


hasp_srm_view [OPTION]


The hasp_srm_view utility provides a simple command line utility for gathering Sentinel license information.  If no options are specified, -l, is specified by default.

-?, -h, -help

Display the utility usage message.


Collect the Sentinel HASP key status information and write it to FILENAME.


Collect the host fingerprint information for generating a Sentinel software license to FILENAME.


Show the product license details currently attached to the host.


-tfr <LicenseID> <recipient file> - to transfer HASP SL license (V2C file)
-tfr <LicenseID> - to remove HASP SL license (V2C file) from the local host


to get transfer recipient (ID) file "recipient.id"

Exit Status

The hasp_srm_view utility exits 0 on success and 255 if an error occurs.


The following example shows the output of the -l qualifier for an attached Sentinel USB HASP key.

License Manager running at host: localhost.localdomain
License Manager IP address:
The Physical KeyId: 663427931
CHARON Sentinel HASP License key section
Reading 4032 bytes
License Manager running at host: localhost.localdomain
License Manager IP address:
The License Number: 1002783
The License KeyId: 663427931
The Master KeyId: 2131943298
Release date: 24-MAR-2015
Release time: 11:47:56
Update number: 3
End User name: Stromasys Asia Pacific
Purchasing Customer name: Stromasys Asia Pacific
Virtual Hardware: SPARCstation_20
Product Name: CHARON-SSP/4M for Linux x64
Product Code: CHSSP-xxxxx-LI
Major Version: 1
Minor Version: 0
Maximum Build: 99999
Minimum Build: 1
Host CPU supported: X64
Host Operating System required: LINUX
CPU's allowed: 1
Maximum virtual memory: 512MB
Instances allowed: 4
Released product expiration date: 01-Oct-2015
Field Test product expiration date: 01-Oct-2015

The example below demonstrates creating a C2V (customer to vendor) file for the purpose of requesting a license from Stromasys.

hasp_srm_view -c2v /tmp/hasp.c2v

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