

General notes:

The hasp_srm_view utility provides a simple command-line utility for gathering Sentinel license information.

Please note: Local hardware licenses can only be displayed from a local connection to the system, for example via the console. If you are connected via a remote connection, for example ssh, the hasp_srm_view command will return an error. Network licenses do not have this problem.

Workaround when connected via remote connection:

When connected to the system via a remote connection you can display the license contents with the following command (adapt the path of the command if your installation location is different):

$ ssh localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view [OPTION]


hasp_srm_view – Charon Sentinel HASP Utility


hasp_srm_view [OPTION]


The command options of the hasp_srm_view utility are listed below. If no options are specified, -l is assumed.

-?, -h, -helpDisplay the usage message.
-allShow the product license details for all available keys.
-c2v FILENAMECollect the Sentinel HASP key status information for the default key and write it to FILENAME. This C2V file is used to request an update for an existing license. Can be used together with the -key parameter to select a particular key for information collection.
-fgp FILENAMECollect the host fingerprint information for generating a Sentinel software license  and write it to FILENAME.
-key KEYNUMBERAssumes a show command and displays only the product license details for the key with the ID specified in KEYNUMBER. This parameter can be used together with the -c2v option to select a specific license for which a C2V file should be created. Required if more than one license is visible to the system.
-lShow the product license details for the default key attached to the host.

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