CHARON on Windows - Charon License Utility - Release Notes
CHARON on Windows - Charon License Utility - Release Notes
Version: 1.5 - Published:
30-May-23 V2.5
- Added home page refresh after uninstallation of the driver
- Added home page auto-refresh every 10 seconds if 'General information' tab is selected
12-Jan-23 V2.4
- Copyright update
07-Dec-22 V2.3
- hasp_view.exe update: no license was displayed when a cloned Software License was detected and that SL was the only license detected (worked if another license could be seen). Bug solved.
07-Nov-22 V2.2
- Updated explanation when a cloned software license is detected
- Mnemonic keys added to left blue buttons (press ALT to see then ALT+button to execute)
- hasp_view.exe updated from Charon-AXP/VAX V4.12 kit Build 21003
- Button added to browse HASP folder for log files if 'Write an Access Log File' or 'Write an Error Log File' is enabled in the Sentinel Admin Control Center
- License expiration check utility added (not supported on Windows 2008 i.e. the configuration icon will not appear)
31-Aug-22 V2.1
- Stopping Sentinel License service is now possible even if an emulator is running (override option added, with warning)
- 'About' content updated, was referring to another utility
- Sentinel License service uptime is displayed in home page
- Archived software licenses (when 'deleted') are now stored in
- More details added on how to regenerate a software license if a cloned one is detected
24-May-22 V2.0
- If the license dongle is empty, a special icon is used in the licenses list table.
- In the license list table, the icon in front of each license reflects license expiration date/time (green check, warning, error)
- Solved issue with false error returned when starting/stopping the License service
- After removing a software license and restarting the Sentinel LDK service, the license list tab, if open, is automatically updated
05-May-22 V1.6
- Reduced post-installation check (for .NET framework version) countdown duration
- License dongles and local software licenses counter refresh is suspended when the form is reduced
- Layout reviewed for ease of license content reading: dedicated tabulation page for license content and content separated by keyids (not all in one page)
- Description updated when a local software license cannot be read and is probably in cloned state
- More information added to the general information page
23-Mar-22 V1.5
- Stromasys logo update (without slogan)
- Added .NET framework installation check (V4.6 minimum, V4.8 recommended) during installation process
11-Mar-22 V1.4
- When a software license is removed, the license files are no longer moved to the parent folder (..\68704.bck) as this generates errors but in
folder. If files were moved in that folder, they are automatically moved to the new location upon execution of this utility - The form is now shown before updating its content
- Minor display update for the Release Notes
- Fixed display bug with consolas font on some old Windows versions
- Scheduled task used to read license content is deleted when execution is completed
06-Jan-22 V1.3
- Before stopping or restarting hapslms service, a check is performed on running services that have dependencies
05-Jan-22 V1.2
- When a software license is removed, it is no longer renamed but moved to a parent folder (..\68704.bck) to avoid errors in HASP log file
09-Nov-21 V1.1
- When displaying licenses content, network keys are displayed on red background
- The number of local dongles and software licenses is displayed on top of the form with automatic update every 3 seconds
03-Nov-21 V1.0
- Publication
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