VE License Server Command-Line Utilities

VE License Server Command-Line Utilities

The License Server kit contains the following command-line utilities:

All License Server utilities are located in /opt/license-server.

The c2v Utility

The c2v (Customer-to-Vendor) utility enables the user to collect the initial fingerprint of the license server system and later collect C2V data for license updates.

Usage: c2v [options]

The options are described in the table below:


-f, --filename name

Specifies the name of the file in which the C2V data will be stored.
-p, --platform platform

VE platform on which the license server runs:

  • aws: to run on Amazon Cloud
  • oci: to run on Oracle Cloud
  • azure: to run on Microsoft Azure
  • gcp: to run on Google Cloud Platform
  • ibm: to run on the IBM cloud
  • nutanix: to run on Nutanix AHV
  • esxi: to run in a VMware environment
  • physical: physical host system
-a, --autoReserved for future use.
-t, --transferExport a transfer file (.tfr) to transfer the license to another system.
-d, --debuglogPrint a debug log.
-h, --help
Print the usage information. Default if no parameter is selected.

The v2c Utility

The v2c (Vendor-to-Customer) utility enables the user to install the initial license and subsequent license updates.

Usage: v2c [options]

The options are described in the table below:


-f,--filename name

Specifies the name of the file containing the V2C data.
-d, --debuglogPrint a debug log.
-h, --help
Print the usage information. Default if no parameter is selected.

The license_viewer Utility

The license_viewer utility enables the user to displayed installed licenses.

Usage: license_viewer [options]

The options are described in the table below:


-c, --client

Lists the license clients connected to the server.
-r, --registerReserved for future use.
-h, --helpPrint the usage information
No parameterIf run without parameters, the installed licenses will be displayed.

The esxi_bind Utility

The esxi_bind utility is used to establish the connection between license server and ESXi host or vCenter Server.

Usage: esxi_bind [options]

The options are described in the table below:


-a, --address ip-address

IP address of the ESXi host or vCenter Server.
-u, --username username

Username of a user on the ESXi host or vCenter Server.

  1. The username on the vCenter Server can take different forms:
    • Simple username
      esxi_bind parameter example: -u myusername)
    • Username includes a domain name in one of the following two formats:
      • <domain>\<username>
        esxi_bind parameter example (quotes are mandatory):  -u 'mydomain\myusername'
      • <username>@<domain>
        esxi_bind parameter example: -u myusername@mydomain
  2. The user must have at least the following permissions:

    • Datastore > Allocate Space
    • VirtualMachine > Config > AddNewDisk
    • VirtualMachine > Config > RemoveDisk

-p, --password passwordPassword of the user specified in the username option.
-d, --debuglogPrint a debug log.
-h, --help
Print the usage information. Default if no parameter is selected.

Please note: if username and/or password contain Unix shell meta-characters, these characters must be escaped (enclose the string in single quotes, or add a backslash character in front of the meta-character).

Command-Line Options of the License Server

The license server itself has some command-line options. They are described below.

Usage: license_server [options]


-p, --password

Change the password of the web GUI user charon. Available starting with version 1.1.14.
-s, --statusDisplay the status of the license_server. Available starting with version 1.1.18.
-h, --helpPrint the usage information
No parameterIf run without parameters, the system will attempt to start the license server.

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