Transferring a License to Another Server

Transferring a License to Another Server


General Information

If required, a VE license can be transferred from one license server to another.

Please note:

  • This action will remove the license from the original license server.
  • The transfer operation will fail for an expired license.
  • The transfer operation can only be executed once per license.

Steps to Transfer a License

The steps below describe the license transfer to another server:

  1. Become the root user on the license server.
  2. Export the transfer license from the original license server:
    # /opt/license-server/c2v -t <export-file>.tfr

    You will receive a warning message:

    Confirm by entering the string yes, or abort by entering any other input (submit the input using the RETURN key).

  3. Create a C2V file on the destination license server (this step is required even if source and destination server are the same):
    # /opt/license-server/c2v -f <destination>.c2v -p <platform>

  4. Send both files (the TFR and the C2V file) to Stromasys (email address will be provided by Stromasys).

  5. You will receive a V2C file.

  6. Import the V2C file on the destination license server:
    # /opt/license-server/v2c -f <new-v2c>.v2c

  7. If the address and/or passphrase of the license server has changed, adapt the configuration of the license client with the new license server data.

For more information about creating a C2V file and installing a V2C file, please refer to Installing a License on the VE License Server.

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