PDP-11/93 configuration file
# Copyright (C) 1999-2018 STROMASYS
# All rights reserved.
# The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies
# the confidential technology of STROMASYS. Possession, use, duplication,
# or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant
# to a valid written license from STROMASYS.
set session hw_model = PDP1193
# Choose a name for the instance, if needed, to differentiate it among other
# instances running on the same host.
include configuration_name.icfg
# Use the following commands to disable the rotating LOG files and enable
# a single LOG file. Select either append or overwrite (for each time the
# instance starts) and specify desired log path and file name.
set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = PDP1193.log
set toy container="pdp1193.dat"
# Specify KW11-L timer frequency here (default is 50). Note, that appropriate
# disk image supports appropriate frequency because system clock
# frequency is the system configuration parameter.
#set KW11 frequency = 50
#set KW11 frequency = 60
# Now assign console built-in serial line. Currently the emulator offers two
# possible ways using serial lines. First of them is connection to COM ports
# (via physical_serial_line). The second is to attach a third party terminal
# emulator (virtual_serial_line).
#load physical_serial_line TT0 line="COM1:"
#load virtual_serial_line TT0 port=10003
#load virtual_serial_line TT0 port=10003 application="opa0.ht"
load virtual_serial_line TT0 port=10003 application="putty -load OPA0"
set uart line=TT0
# Configure an optional RQDX3 storage controller (MSCP/QBUS). It handles disk
# images, disk drives, CD-ROM drives, magneto-optical drives, floppy drives.
#load RQDX3 DU
#set DU container[0]="..."
#set DU container[1]="..."
#set DU container[2]="..."
#set DU container[3]="..."
# Boot from DU0 MSCP disk
#set cpu_0 auto_boot="DU0"
# this is the end of the configuration file ##################################
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