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HASP license details


Displays the license content and optionally can be used to send the license content, human readable format, via email.

(lightbulb) It will work even if you are logged in via 'ssh' . See CHARON on Linux - Cannot get license information or run guests over ssh for more information.

(info) Licenses descriptions (usage, location, etc...) can be added to the display list by manually creating the following file: /opt/charon/utils/charon_licenses.list

This optional file must contain the license number followed by a description and an ANSI color code (see "# man terminfo" and search for "Color Handling"), each parameter separated by a semicolon. One line per license.

Example: We describe here the licenses 1000.800 as "Main license (path 3/0)" with a green color (ANSI code 2) and 1000.806 as "Backup license (path 3/1)" with a magenta color (ANSI code 5)

# cat /opt/charon/utils/charon_licenses.list

1000.800;Main license (path 3/0);2

1000.806;Backup license (path 3/1);5


Once the file is generated, you'll either be prompted to select the editor you want to use or the editor will be opened automatically is you did setup your preferences.

(info) If you decide to send the result via email, you will receive one with subject: "[CHARON] View license HASP_SRM_VIEW"

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