CHARON on Linux - Cannot get license information or run guests over ssh


Cannot execute hasp_srm_view interactively or run guests in foreground while running on secured connection


Install the virtualized system as a service or login to the local console. You can also run the virtualized system in detached mode.

(info) This restriction applies to local (black) dongles and Software licenses. This is not the case for network (red) dongles created with the remote desktop” and “virtual machine” boxes checked. See Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC) check


The command cannot be executed interactively due to secured connection, it will have then to be executed in the background or over an ssh connection to the localhost:
  • Command to execute if you need to update your license:

    Method#1 (the "at" package must be installed and the "atd" service must be started):

    # echo hasp_srm_view -c2v /tmp/mylicense.c2v | at now


    # ssh localhost hasp_srm_view -c2v /tmp/mylicense.c2v

    When the execution is completed, send the C2V file generated to

  • Command to execute if you want to display the content of the license dongle in a human readable output:


    # echo "hasp_srm_view >/tmp/mylicense.txt 2>&1" | at now

    Once the job is complete, you can read the content of the output file "/tmp/mylicense.txt"
    (info) Note: to check 'at' jobs list, use the following command: # at -l


    # ssh localhost hasp_srm_view

Running the emulator in detached mode

  • Within the configuration file, set the console mode to virtual serial line
    • Example:

      load virtual_serial_line OPA0 port=10003


  • Run the emulator in detached mode using the '-d' option:
    • Example:

      # es40 -d /opt/charon/cfg/pluto.cfg


  • Once the emulator is running, connect to the console using the telnet command:
    • Example:

      # telnet localhost 10003

Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC) check

Open the Sentinel ACC, look at "Access" column and if the the feature is missing "DISPLAY" access:

# firefox localhost:1947/int/features.html

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