Alert emails examples
Table of contents
License dongle not present
License dongle now connected
Emulator start information
Emulator start - License information
Dongle disconnection: immediate detection
Dongle disconnection: emulator detection based on check interval
Dongle false disconnection detected - recovery action engaged
It can occur, due to hardware failure or driver problem, the dongle is seen as disconnected whereas it is still physically connected to the server. The Toolkit contains a workaround to prevent from the virtual machine to stop in case the license is no more reachable. A message as follows is then sent:
Other messages will be sent:
A "dongle disconnected" message followed by a "dongle found" message will be sent, this is due to the USB reset. If the USB reset operation is successful then the license dongle found message for the virtual machine is sent, meaning the recovery operation did prevent the virtual machine to stop.
An event can be generated with the error level meaning the license is no more reachable. This event is cleared if the dongle found message is sent.
Emulator stopped - no action taken
Emulator stopped without service request
Errors found in the emulator's log file
Emulator stopped by user request
License expiration check
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