Table of Contents
General description
CHARON-AXP supports emulation of DEC-KGPSA-CA PCI Fibre Channel adapter.
Every instance of KGPSA-CA works in one of the two following modes:
Loading KGPSA storage adapter
Syntax for loading KGPSA-CA storage adapter:
The adapter instance name ("FGA" in the example above) is used then for parametrization, for example:
set FGA container[100]="/my_disks/vms_distributive.vdisk" |
Numbers in the square brackets represent KGPSA-CA units. They can be in the range 0..32766, but no more than 255 units can be configured on a single controller.
By default KGPSA-CA adapter uses first available PCI slot. If instead some particular slot is needed, refer to this section for details of specific placement of PCI peripherals on CHARON-AXP PCI bus.
Configuration parameters
The KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter emulation has the following configuration parameters:
Parameter | host_bus_location |
Type | Text String |
Value | Pass through mode only!
Establish connection between virtual DEC-KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter and physical EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter (pass through mode) Syntax: load KGPSA <controller name> host_bus_location="/dev/kgpsa<X>" |
Example: load KGPSA FGA host_bus_location="/dev/kgpsa0" |
Parameter | wwid[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Text String |
Value | Sets WWID for emulated KGPSA adapter unit. Syntax: set <controller name> wwid[unit-number]="XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX" |
Example: set FGA wwid[2]="6008-05F3-0005-2950-BF8E-0B86-A0C7-0001" |
Parameter | container[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Text String |
Value | Possible values of the parameter are strings in one of the following forms: - Physical disk
- "/dev/sd<L>", where "L" is letter, for example "/dev/sdb"
- "/dev/disk/by-id/..." - addressing by the disk ID, for example "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1000DM003-9YN162_S1D01QJ4"
- "/dev/disk/by-label/..." - addressing by the disk label, for example "/dev/disk/by-label/MyStorage"
"/dev/disk/by-uuid/..." - addressing by the disk UUID, for example "/dev/disk/by-uuid/0e808a2f-cdd3-4944-a245-f729ffd73882"
Please note that existing data on such a disk may be destroyed, depending on how it is used in the emulator.
These disks must not be formatted by the host OS. Example:
set FGA container[0]="/dev/disk/by-id/ata-ST1000DM003-9YN162_S1D01QJ4" |
It is also possible to use not a whole disk, but previously created partitions on it. In this case the syntax is the following: "/dev/sd<L><N>" where N is the number of partition to be used. Example: set FGA container[0]="/dev/sdc3" |
.Loop (virtual block) devices
- Loop (virtual block) devices
"/dev/loop<N>" Example:
set FGA container[100]="/dev/loop0" |
- Multipath disk
- File representing a physical disk of the HP Alpha system (disk image)
This parameter is initially not set, thus creating NO storage elements on the controller. |
Parameter | media_type[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Text String |
Value | Instructs CHARON-AXP to use the supplied value as the PRODUCT field in the FC INQUIRY data returned to a software running on virtual HP Alpha system in response to FC INQUIRY command. If not specified, CHARON-AXP attempts to guess the FC INQUIRY data based on virtual FC device type and underlying container (which is specified in the corresponding container configuration parameter). Initially is not specified. Example: set FGA media_type[0]="HSZ70" |
Parameter | removable[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Boolean |
Value | When set to "true", the removable configuration parameter instructs CHARON-AXP to report the corresponding virtual FC device as removable. By default the removable configuration parameter is set to "false". Example: set FGA removable[400]=true |
Parameter | geometry[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Text String |
Value | This formatted string value specifies the explicit geometry of the disk storage element. The string format is <X>”/”<Y>[“/”<Z>] or <X>”,”<Y>[“,”<Z>][“,”<B>] where: Parameter | Description |
X | The number of sectors per track | Y | The number of tracks per cylinder | Z | The number of cylinders on the unit. If omitted, Z is calculated based on X, Y and the total number of sectors on the unit that reflects the size of the disk storage element. This is an optional parameter. | B | The total size of the disk (in blocks) reported to the guest OS. If omitted it is calculated automatically. This is an optional parameter. |
If this parameter is not set, CHARON-AXP will configure the geometry based on the most probable disk type. Initially not set. Example: set FGA geometry[201] = "255/255" |
Parameter | use_io_file_buffering[N] N is 0..32766 (no more than 255 units) |
Type | Boolean |
Value | When set to "true", instructs CHARON-AXP to enable host operating system I/O cache on read/write operations. Note that this caching has a significant effect only in case of mapping to disk containers, not physical drives.
When enabled, host operating system I/O cache may significantly improve I/O performance of the virtual system. At the same time maintaining I/O cache requires additional host resources (CPU and memory) which may negatively affect overall performance of the virtual system. Initially is set to "false". Example: set FGA use_io_file_buffering[300]=true |
When a disk image connected to an emulated KGPSA-CA controller is dismounted by OpenVMS, it is disconnected from CHARON-AXP and can be manipulated. It can be replaced with a different disk image if it keeps the same name. This capability may be useful when designing back-up and restore procedures. When copying CHARON-AXP disk images while CHARON-AXP is running, please take care to minimize the risk of overloading a heavily loaded CHARON-AXP host system. For example, using a sequential series of simple ftp binary copies is less resource intensive and thus less disruptive than multiple, simultaneous copies.
Empty disk images are created with the "mkdskcmd" utility.
CHARON-AXP is able to boot from disk images of any OpenVMS/Alpha and Tru64 version.
Mapping to host resources
Fabric virtualization mode
In this mode KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter can be directly mapped to physical disks (both local and iSCSI) and disk images as shown in the following example:
set FGA container[0]="/my_disks/my_dka401.vdisk"
set FGA container[100]="/dev/sdb"
set FGA container[200]="/dev/sdc2"
set FGA container[300]="/dev/dm-0"
See the "Configuration parameters" section for details.
Pass Through mode
The CHARON PCI Pass Through mode allows connection between virtual DEC-KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter and physical EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter plugged into host’s PCI/PCI-X/PCIe slot.
load <controller name> host_bus_location=" /dev/kgpsa<N>"
load KGPSA FGA host_bus_location="/dev/kgpsa0" |
The following is a list of EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapters supported by CHARON-AXP PCI Pass Through driver and suitable for emulation of KGPSA-CA PCI FC adapter in CHARON PCI Pass Through mode:
| | |
LP8000 LP9000 LP9002 LP9802 LP10000 LP10000DC LP10000-S LPX1000 LP11002 LPe11002 (FC2242SR, A8003A) LPe1105 LPe12002 (AJ762B) | LPe1150 (FC2142SR, A8002A) | LPe11000 |
Pass Through mode establishing sequence
To establish "pass through" mode do the following:
- Install the EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter (see below for a list of supported models) to some spare PCI/PCI-X/PCIe slot of the host system
- Build PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC
- Install PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC
- Add PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC to Linux startup
- Map KGPSA-CA adapter(-s) to EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC adapter instance(-s) in CHARON-AXP configuration file
Building PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC
To build PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC do the following:
Step | Description |
1 | Make sure that the required building tools and include files are installed. If they are absent install them: # yum groupinstall “Development Tools”
# yum install kernel-headers kernel-develop |
2 | Open xterm and change the default directory to "/opt/charon/drivers/kgpsa ": # cd /opt/charon/drivers/kgpsa |
3 | Issue "make clean; make" commands to build kernel object: It is prohibited to use a module built on a certain version of kernel on another one.
4 | Check that there are no compilation errors and the file "ppt_kgpsa.ko " has been built |
Installation of PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC
To install PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC do the following:
Step | Description |
1 | Unload standard "lpfc" driver; to do that issue the following command: |
2 | Load "ppt_kgpsa.ko " driver; to do that issue the following command: |
3 | Issue "dmesg" command and check that no error appeared during the driver loading, also check that the driver has found all KGPSA devices: |
Adding PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC to Linux startup
To add PPT driver for EMULEX LightPulse PCI/PCI-X/PCIe FC to Linux startup do the following:
Step | Description |
1 | Disable auto-loading of Linux standard "lpfc" driver on boot. To do that add "blacklist lpfc" to the black list file "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf " |
2 | Copy the KGPSA-CA kernel module to the location of Linux kernel modules, for example:
# cp /opt/charon/drivers/kgpsa/ppt_kgpsa.ko /lib/modules/3.10.9-200.fc20.x86_64/kernel/drivers/scsi/
The particular path may be different, depending on the kernel version and Linux distribution.
3 | Enable auto load of the module: # echo ppt_kgpsa > /etc/modules-load.d/ppt_kgpsa.conf |
4 | Regenerate new "initramfs" image with "mkinitrd": # mkinitrd -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.9-200.fc20.x86_64.img 3.10.9-200.fc20.x86_6 4 |
The particular path may be different, depending on the kernel version and Linux distribution.
Configuration of KGPSA-CA in pass through mode
FCMGR utility description
To configure KGPSA-CA adapter in pass through mode a special SRM console utility "FCMGR" is used (it has the same functionality as the "WWIDMGR" utility of the native HP Alpha hardware).
It provides the following functionality:
Command | Description |
fc rescan {/verbose}
| Scans connected SAN using FC adapters, discovers FC ports, storage controllers, logical units and then builds volatile FC database. The "/verbose" qualifier enables FC communication trace on console (for diagnostic and troubleshooting). |
fc show {adapter | port | device}
| Displays corresponding part of volatile FC database. |
fc set {boot | dump} udid <X>
| Fills the environment variables wwid0..wwid3 and n1..n4 to identify path(s) to logical unit with the specified UDID. These variables are later used by "INIT" to create device database entries and by OpenVMS/Tru64 to get access to boot and dump disks. This command does NOT make any change to other environment variables. |
fc set {boot | dump} wwid <X> | Fills the environment variables wwid0..wwid3 and n1..n4 to identify path(s) to logical unit with the specified WWID. These variables are later used by "INIT" to create device database entries and by OpenVMS/Tru64 to get access to boot and dump disks. This command does NOT make any change to other environment variables. This parameter is useful if UDID is absent. |
fc clear
| Clears environment variables wwid0...wwid3 and n1..n4, which automatically disable (but do NOT delete) device database entries representing FC attached devices. This command does NOT affect volatile FC database. |
Example of usage:
P00>>>fc show devices
UDID:110 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0081 (ev:none) via adapter via fc_port con
[0] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[1] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039 (ev:none) via adapter via fc_port con
[12] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[13] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
Configuration steps using FCMGR utility
Once the configuration steps described above are done, start the CHARON VM and wait for the P00>>> prompt.
Please refer to the following example with two FC adapters PGA and PGB defined:
initializing ...
polling for units on kzpba0, slot 4, bus 0, hose 0 ...
polling for units on kgpsa0, slot 5, bus 0, hose 0 ...
pga0. PGA0 WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
fabric WWN 2003-0060-6920-4682
directory WWN 20fc-0060-6920-4682
port 021400 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 021500 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
polling for units on kgpsa1, slot 6, bus 0, hose 0 ...
pgb0. PGB0 WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
fabric WWN 2003-0060-6920-45ff
directory WWN 20fc-0060-6920-45ff
port 011400 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 011500 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 011100 failed port login
... enter console
CHARON-AXP (AlphaServer ES40) emulator. Version 4.6
Copyright (C) 2015, STROMASYS (
The next step is to configure paths for the FC storage:
P00>>>fc show devices
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038 (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[0] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[1] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[2] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[3] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074 (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[4] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[5] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[6] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[7] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[8] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[9] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[10] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[11] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080 (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[12] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 no (ev:none)
[13] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 yes (ev:none)
[14] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 no (ev:none)
[15] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 yes (ev:none)
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039 (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[16] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[17] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 no (ev:none)
[18] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 yes (ev:none)
[19] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 no (ev:none)
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a (ev:none)
via adapter via fc_port con
[20] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1 yes (ev:none)
[21] pga0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4 no (ev:none)
[22] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2 yes (ev:none)
[23] pgb0. 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3 no (ev:none)
P00>>>fc set boot udid 400
initializing ...
polling for units on kzpba0, slot 4, bus 0, hose 0 ...
polling for units on kgpsa0, slot 5, bus 0, hose 0 ...
pga0. PGA0 WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
fabric WWN 2003-0060-6920-4682
directory WWN 20fc-0060-6920-4682
port 021400 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf1
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 021500 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf4
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
polling for units on kgpsa1, slot 6, bus 0, hose 0 ...
pgb0. PGB0 WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
fabric WWN 2003-0060-6920-45ff
directory WWN 20fc-0060-6920-45ff
port 011400 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf2
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 011500 WWN 5000-1fe1-000b-6bf3
lun 0000000000000100 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:100 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0038
lun 0000000000000200 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:200 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0074
lun 0000000000000300 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:300 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-007b
lun 0000000000000400 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:400 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-9081-1283-0080
lun 0000000000006c00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:108 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-0039
lun 0000000000006d00 DEC HSG80 V88F
UDID:208 WWID:01000010:6000-1fe1-000b-6bf0-0009-0440-4014-003a
lun 0000000000000000
port 011100 failed port login
... enter console
CHARON-AXP (AlphaServer ES40) emulator. Version 4.9
Copyright (C) 2018, STROMASYS (
sys0. SYS0 System ROOT Device
ewa0. EWA0 00-51-71-F5-8E-D8
pga0. PGA0 WWN 1000-0000-C92E-97C9
pgb0. PGB0 WWN 1000-0000-C92D-8D00
pqa0. PQA0 ALi 1553C Integrated IDE Controller
pqb0. PQB0 ALi 1553C Integrated IDE Controller
dqa0. DQA0 Virtual ATAPI - TEAC DW-224E-V
dka0. DKA0 Virtual SCSI Disk (C)SRI
dga400.1001.0.5.0 $1$DGA400 DEC HSG80 V88F
dga400.1002.0.5.0 $1$DGA400 DEC HSG80 V88F
dgb400.1003.0.6.0 $1$DGA400 DEC HSG80 V88F
dgb400.1004.0.6.0 $1$DGA400 DEC HSG80 V88F
P00>>>BOOT $1$DGA400
dga400.1001.0.5.0: failed to open device
(boot dga400.1002.0.5.0)
jumping to bootstrap code
OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.3-2
© Copyright 1976-2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #02 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #03 has joined the active set.
%SMP-I-CPUTRN, CPU #01 has joined the active set.
Please enter date and time (DD-MMM-YYYY HH:MM)