PBXDA PCI serial lines adapter

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PBXDA PCI serial lines adapter

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General description

PBXDA is a PCI serial lines adapter based on the AccelePort 2R 920, 4R 920, 8R 920 and Xem DIGI adapters.

Loading PBXDA serial lines adapter

Syntax for loading PBXDA (AccelePort 2r 920) serial lines adapter:

load PBXDA/DIGI <name>

Syntax for loading PBXDA_BA (AccelePort 4r 920)  serial lines adapter:

load PBXDA_BA/DIGI <name>

Syntax for loading PBXDA_BB (AccelePort 8r 920) serial lines adapter:

load PBXDA_BB/DIGI <name>

Syntax for loading PBXDA_AC (AccelePort Xem) serial lines adapter:

load PBXDA_AC/DIGI <name>



The adapter instance name ("TXA" in the example above) is used then for parametrization, for example:

set TXA line[2]="/dev/tty0"

The numbers in the square brackets represent line number on the virtual PBXDA adapter starting from 0.

Controller typeMaximum number of lines

All the parameters described in the "Placement of peripheral devices on PCI bus", such as "bus", "device", "function", "irq", "irq_bus" are applicable for PBXDA controller.

DIGI drivers for OpenVMS and Tru64 are sensitive to PBXDA location on PCI, therefore it is recommended to fix PBXDA location with explcit configuration.

For example:

load PBXDA TXA bus=pci_1 device=4 function=0

Configuration parameters

The PBXDA serial lines adapter emulation has the following configuration parameters:


TypeText String

Specifies a local port for incoming telnet connections

By default the "port" configuration option is not specified.


port[line-number]=<local port>


set TXA port[2]=17060


TypeText string

A defined TTY port on host system:

"/dev/tty<N>"Virtual serial lines
"/dev/ttyS<N>"Onboard serial lines
"/dev/ttyUSB<N>"Modem or USB serial lines adapters
"/dev/tty<XXX>"Proprietary (depending on a driver) devices such as DIGI or MOXA cards


set TXA line[2]="/dev/ttyS1"

A specific account for running CHARON ("charon") does not allow usage of physical consoles "/dev/tty<N>" as CHARON consoles. If you plan to map CHARON console to "/dev/tty<N>" use only "root" account for CHARON running.

"ttyY" notation specifics

Note that the "ttyY" notation can have different forms depending on the nature of the device used:



where N is from 0 to 11

Linux virtual tty

Those tty devices must be free from the Linux "getty/mgetty" and similar programs (specified in "/etc/inittab")




where N is a number

Onboard serial lines




where XXX is a complex letter/number notation

Proprietary (depending on a driver) devices 

Example for a first port of a MOXA card:


Example for a first port of a DIGI card:



where N is a number

Modem or USB serial lines adapters



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