PBXGA graphics card
Table of Contents
General description
CHARON-AXP supports emulation of PBXGA graphics card by direct virtualization. CHARON provides a virtual console for displaying graphics. The console starts automatically upon starting CHARON. It has no parameters at the moment and the resolution is 1280 x 1024.
PBXGA graphics console cannot be used as the system console. Use OPA0 for this purpose.
If PBXGA graphics card is going to be used the resolution of CHARON host screen must be not less than 1280 x 1024 to provide an ability to display the graphics console properly.
Virtual PBXGA PCI graphics card
Loading virtual PBXGA graphics card
Syntax for loading PBXGA graphics card:
Syntax for loading PBXGA graphics card on AlphaServer 400:
load PBXGA GYA |
On Charon startup a window will appear on CHARON host monitor to display graphics. Its size cannot be changed at the moment.
If PBXGA graphics card is used CHARON cannot run as a service
If the window of the PBXGA graphics card console is closed by user (or killed as a process) it will not re-appear automatically (CHARON will continue to work in this case). In this situation user has to restart CHARON to make it reopen the console.
Configuration parameters
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