# Copyright (C) 1999-2014 STROMASYS
# All rights reserved.
# The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies
# the confidential technology of STROMASYS. Possession, use, duplication,
# or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant
# to a valid written license from STROMASYS.
# Sample configuration file for:
# * Charon-VAX/6610
# Emulator of the VAX model:
# * VAX 6610
set session hw_model = VAX_6610
# Choose a name for the instance, if needed, to differentiate it among other
# instances running on the same host.
#set session configuration_name = VAX_6610
# Use the following commands to disable the rotating LOG files and enable
# a single LOG file. Select either append or overwrite (for each time the
# instance starts) and specify desired log path and file name.
#set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = VAX_6610.log
# To enable automatic boot, define the default boot device in the VAX
# console and uncomment the line below.
#set xmi boot=auto
# TOY date/time, boot options, ...
set toy container="vx6k610.dat"
# EEPROM settings, e.g. default boot drive
set eeprom container="vx6k610.rom"
# Specify the size of RAM (default 32MB). Note that DIT (when enabled)
# also needs certain amount of memory which grows linearly following
# the size of memory specified here. Also remember that the dongle
# license might limit the maximum amount of memory.
# The valid settings are: 32,64,128,256,512,768,1024, ... 3584,
# 32bit systems only: Please note, that to be able to run the ~2Gb
# (2048) of simulated memory you should enable /3GB switch
set ram size=512
#set ram size=768
#set ram size=1024
#set ram size=2048
#set ram size=3584
# Now assign built-in console serial line. Currently the emulator
# offers two possible ways of using built-in serial lines. First of
# them is to attach a third party terminal emulator (virtual_serial_line).
# The second is connection to COM ports (via physical_serial_line).
# Once the way of the connection is defined corresponding mapping
# to the host resources can be performed.
# Connection to a third party terminal emulator:
load virtual_serial_line/chserial OPA0
#set OPA0 port=10003 application="opa0.ht"
set OPA0 port=10003 application="putty.exe -load OPA0"
#set OPA0 port=10003 application="c:\kea\user\opa0.ktc"
# Connection to a physical COM port of the host:
# load physical_serial_line/chserial OPA0
# set OPA0 line="COM1:"
# Load the MSCP controller with the name DUA
load KDM70/KDM70 DUA xmi_node_id=11
# Map the storage units for loaded MSCP controller DUA.
# In VMS, the DUA0 will correspond to the 'DUA container[0]', etc...
# Examples:
# set DUA container[0]="C:\Disk-Images\charon-6000\dua0.vdisk"
# set DUA container[1]="\\.\PhysicalDrive1"
# set DUA container[2]="\\.\CdRom0"
# set DUA container[3]="\\.\A:"
# It is also possible to map a tape drive identified by the host
# operating system to the DUA controller.
# Example:
# set DUA container[3]="\\.\Tape0"
#set DUA container[0]="..."
# Support of CI:
# Load CIXCD adapter into slot 12 (C) of the XMI.
#load CIXCD PAA xmi_node_id=12 ci_node_id=0x01
# Support of CI:
# Connect HSJ50 controller to the CIXCD adapter PAA.
#load HSJ50 PUA ci_node_id=0x0B mscp_allocation_class=1
# Map the storage units for the loaded HSJ50 controller PUA.
# In VMS, the PUA will correspond to the 'DUA container[0]', etc...
# Examples:
# set PUA container[0]="C:\Disk-Images\charon-6000\dua0.vdisk"
# set PUA container[1]="\\.\PhysicalDrive1"
# set PUA container[2]="\\.\CdRom0"
# set PUA container[3]="\\.\A:"
# It is also possible to map a tape drive identified by the host
# operating system to the PUA controller.
# Example:
# set PUA container[3]="\\.\Tape0"
#set PUA container[0]="..."
# Make sure that DUA and PUA do not conflict in the VMS environment, since
# the disks on those controllers have the same name "DUA[x]" preceded by
# their allocation class (for the HSJ50 controller it is set in the
# configuration file). Assign the allocation class in such a way to avoid
# name conflicts or enable only either DUA or PUA.
# See CHARON-66x0 User Guide for more details.
# Load Ethernet Controllers
# 2 Ethernet controllers are loaded in this sample configuration file: EXA
# and EXB. Both of them are connected to corresponding network interfaces:
# EXA_0 and EXB_0. The initial settings for the interfaces are "disabled".
# The exact mapping to the host ethernet interfaces will be defined later
# in this configuration file.
load DEMNA/demna EXA xmi_node_id=13 interface=EXA_0
load packet_port/chnetwrk EXA_0 interface="(disabled)"
load DEMNA/demna EXB xmi_node_id=14 interface=EXB_0
load packet_port/chnetwrk EXB_0 interface="(disabled)"
# Map the Network connections.
# Each connection is instantiated by the two objects. One is DEMNA controler
# emulator EXn where n is A or B, and second is packet port EXn_0 where the
# n is A or B.
# In the emulated VMS, the network devices EXn will correspond to the
# EXn, EXn_0 pair in the configuration file.
# To assign the spesific permanent address to the desired EXn controller
# ucomment the corresponding line below.
# Example:
# set EXA station_address="00-63-50-1A-A3-1E"
#set EXA station_address="..."
#set EXB station_address="..."
# To connect the corresponding adapter to the external device, uncomment
# the line below and put the valid interface definition.
# Example:
# set EXA_0 interface="Cabletron DE500B PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (21143-PC)"
#set EXA_0 interface="connection:<connection-name>"
#set EXB_0 interface="connection:<connection-name>"
# this is the end of the configuration file ##################################