Blog from March, 2023


  • Updated Charon products publication dates table

  • Default date to gather log files is now one month ago and no more one week ago

  • Minor display issue solved in USB devices chapter when PowerShell 4 is used

  • 'Utilities' chapter update: 'Charon service manager' and 'Charon Launcher' were not pointing to the correct executable (swapped)

  • Reworked log files discovery for better compatibility with old versions of Charon (mainly V4.5)

  • Secure boot settings: message 'Variable is currently undefined' is now explained

  • Solved bug with containers check for virtual disks and tapes: if the file did not exist, the home folder was added to the file name in all cases whereas it had to be added only when no path was provided for the container

  • Log files: if size is above 256Mb, they are truncated to latest 100,000 lines when added to the zip file (useful for non rotating log files in append mode)

  • Solved bug with include files reported as 'not found' when quotes or double quotes were used in their names

  • For Charon versions 4.5 and below, the latest used configuration and log files in the Charon Launcher are also added in the zip file

  • Solved bug identifying correct Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP mode (=before or starting V4.8) when Charon-AXP/SMA and Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP pre-V4.8 are installed on the server

  • Operating system chapter: if OS architecture is not x64, information is displayed


  • Solved minor display issue when script execution ends

  • If VE license servers are defined in emulators configuration files, it is asked at the end of execution of this script to run the CharonReport on the VE license servers too

  • Solved bug with Charon-SSP configuration file: cpu information, except idle mode, was no more displayed in the HTML file


  • Log files added to the zip file: for session log files, now shows begin and end date in the HTML report (this information is not available for console and network log files)

  • Minor bug solved with 'lsusb' empty file generated during script execution in current folder

  • Enhanced containers check following issue found on customer site with Charon-SSP

  • Containers check: now allows use of white spaces in file names

  • HASP license: enhanced tests for cases where aksusbd package was installed and removed leaving traces

  • Corrected display issue in 'Time service settings' chapter when escape sequences are returned by the timedatectl command output (warning message)

  • Charon-PAR: increased charon-report utility execution timeout to 180 seconds

  • Added alternate way to check for Charon Report script update if 1st attempt fails with 'cannot verify's certificate' error


  • Default date to gather log files is now one month ago and no more one week ago

  • option to remove automatic emulators discovery is hidden, was confusing

  • Top 20 processes consuming memory chapter updated: the 'command' column contains now the executable and its parameters (parameters were missing in previous versions)

  • Bug solved for discovered or user specified emulators in 'stopped' state whereas they are running. Case occurs when cfg file is passed as emulator parameter without full path.
    Recommendation: cfg and log files path must be specified

  • Charon-PAR: 'charon-report' utility execution output is added to the zip file for debugging (sometimes the report.tgz file cannot be found)

  • Zip file: Charon virtual machines child folder name is added in HTML report (due to added incremental number)

  • Zip file: added /var/log/audit/audit.log* files if SElinux is set to Enforcing

  • HTML report: corrected bug in number of services and running ones in Results chapter


  • Added missing submenu entry for 'HASP License settings'

  • Charon Manager: virtual machines reported as stopped in the HTML report whereas they are running bug solved

  • Charon Manager: virtual machines stopped date was not displayed bug solved


  • Bug solved when user was asked twice to specify the .cfg file (bug introduced in V1.46 and multi-products support)

  • NUMA balancing chapter reworked. Now generates an error alert if set to ON and Charon-PAR is installed

  • Added timedatectl output in all cases in 'Time service settings' chapter

  • 'at' package is now required only if aksusbd is installed (HASP license) and if 'at' is installed a check if performed to verify 'atd' service is running

  • Charon-PAR: bug solved / always looking for log file in 'logs' subfolder if Toolkit is not used

  • Charon-PAR: if log file is not found in the same folder as the .cfg file, the log file is searched in .cfg file '' parameter and if not found, search default one with 'find' command, not NFS mounted, most recent. As this is not 100% sure the correct log file will be found, please specify log file name in .cfg file if Toolkit is not used

  • Added '-r' or '--reset' option to reset already known emulators list (useful in case of migration from non Toolkit to Toolkit emulators management)

  • Added support for AXP/VAX baremetal version (Charon Manager)

  • Reworked checks on several (systemd) services

  • HTML report: headings color change (not the same as navigation bar) for ease of reading

  • Minor display issue solved in crontab checks

  • Submenu added for 'Charon Toolkit', 'HASP license settings' and 'VE license settings' if installed

  • ➡️ Reworked Charon virtual machines discovery: Charon Manager -> Toolkit -> Running processes (Note: discovery can be turned off using '-x' or '--nodiscovery' option)

  • Charon-SSP virtual machines: if power scheme is not set to Performance, a warning message is generated (recommended mode)

  • Inside the CharonReport zip file, emulators child folders have a 3 digit number in their name to avoid overwriting (before folders were based on .cfg file name so duplicates were possible)


  1. Multi Charon products on the same server environments are now supported.

  2. The new emulators discovery system will first look for virtual machines (emulators) defined in the Charon Manager then in the Linux Toolkit if installed and then will look at running processes for running emulators that have not been discovered earlier. Once the discovery process is complete, the user can still add manually configuration files if not listed.
    (blue star) The emulators discovery system will try to find the related log files if the full path is not specified. We however strongly recommend full path to always been specified for emulators log files defined out of Charon Manager or the Linux Toolkit.

  3. Run the script with ‘-h' or '--help’ for description and available parameters


  • Release date display bug for old versions of Charon (4.5) solved

  • hasp_view executable file is provided with the installer (.msi) as old versions of hasp_view have display bugs. If the provided version is more recent than the one already installed with the Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP kit, it will be used instead.

  • Clicking Stromasys logo now brings to top of HTML report, no more to Stromasys web site

  • HTML report: headings color change (not same as navigation bar) for ease of reading