Charon Report Utility V1.55 for Windows


  • Updated Charon products publication dates table

  • Default date to gather log files is now one month ago and no more one week ago

  • Minor display issue solved in USB devices chapter when PowerShell 4 is used

  • 'Utilities' chapter update: 'Charon service manager' and 'Charon Launcher' were not pointing to the correct executable (swapped)

  • Reworked log files discovery for better compatibility with old versions of Charon (mainly V4.5)

  • Secure boot settings: message 'Variable is currently undefined' is now explained

  • Solved bug with containers check for virtual disks and tapes: if the file did not exist, the home folder was added to the file name in all cases whereas it had to be added only when no path was provided for the container

  • Log files: if size is above 256Mb, they are truncated to latest 100,000 lines when added to the zip file (useful for non rotating log files in append mode)

  • Solved bug with include files reported as 'not found' when quotes or double quotes were used in their names

  • For Charon versions 4.5 and below, the latest used configuration and log files in the Charon Launcher are also added in the zip file

  • Solved bug identifying correct Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP mode (=before or starting V4.8) when Charon-AXP/SMA and Charon-AXP/VAX/PDP pre-V4.8 are installed on the server

  • Operating system chapter: if OS architecture is not x64, information is displayed

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