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General Description 

"mtd" is a command line utility to:

  • Create a CHARON tape image from a physical tape.
  • Write a tape image to a physical tape.

Open "cmd.exe" in the Start menu, to start the utility, and switch to the CHARON x86 utilities directory (typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\CHARON\Utilities_X.X.XXXXX\x86" or "C:\Program Files\CHARON\Utilities_X.X.XXXXX\x86").

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The following is an example of the usage syntax:

...> mtd [options] <tape device name> <tape container name>



-l <file name>

Creates a log file. The name is "file name".

-r <number>Specifies a number of attempts to read a damaged data block

Ignore bad blocks and continue processing w/o interruption. It implies "-r 0"

-nDo not rewind tape
-pDisable progress reporting

Enable verbose tracing of data transfer (implies "-p")



...> mtd -l tape1.txt -r 10 \\.\Tape0 "C:\Charon\Tapes\tape1.vtape"


Use the following syntax to write the content of a tape container to a physical tape:

...> mtd <tape container name> <tape device name>



...> mtd "C:\Charon\Tapes\tape1.vtape" \\.\Tape0

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