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The "hasp_srm_view" utility displays the Charon HASP licenses content. Do not use it if you are using VE licensing.

Run the utility with one of the following parameters to see the license(-s) details:

  • "-l" (or without parameters) - CHARON HASP default license details
  • "-all" - all available CHARON HASP licenses details
  • "-key <key number>" - specific CHARON HASP license (defined by its "key number") details

The "hasp_srm_view" utility is used to:

  • Display the HASP licenses details. It is possible to view all available license or some specific one.
  • Collecting HASP license status information
  • Collecting HASP host fingerprint information

Run the utility without any options to display the HASP license details.

# hasp_srm_view -help

CHARON Sentinel HASP utility
Copyright (c) 2009-2019 STROMASYS. All rights reserved.

  -? or -h or -help    - to see help screen

  -l                   - to see CHARON license details (for default key)

  -all                 - to see CHARON license details (for all available keys)

  -key <key number>    - to see CHARON license details (for specific key)

  -c2v <C2V file>      - to collect the key status information (C2V file)

  -c2v <C2V file> -key <key number> - to collect C2V file for specific local key

  -fgp <C2V file>      - to collect the host fingerprint information (C2V file)

The specific type of Charon HASP license defines what switches may be used in each case.

Collecting the "c2v" file can be done only from the Charon host console (the console of the system on which the emulator runs).

Remote collection of status information

For remote collection of HASP status information it is recommended to use "ssh" as shown in the following examples:

# ssh root@CHARON_HOST /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view -c2v /opt/charon/bin/my_hasp_key.c2v
# ssh root@CHARON_HOST /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view -fgp /opt/charon/bin/my_host_fingerprint.c2v

To see the license text on the console:

# ssh root@localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view

To collect HASP license text to an output file on host server:

# ssh root@localhost /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view > /opt/charon/bin/hasp_srm_view.txt

The "hasp_srm_view" utility always reports the ID and IP address of the host(s) where active HASP licenses are found.

© Stromasys, 1999-2024  - All the information is provided on the best effort basis, and might be changed anytime without notice. Information provided does not mean Stromasys commitment to any features described.