VAX 6310 configuration file
# Copyright (C) 1999-2019 STROMASYS
# All rights reserved.
# The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies
# the confidential technology of STROMASYS. Possession, use, duplication,
# or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant
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# Sample configuration file for VAX 6000 Model 310.
set session hw_model = VAX_6310
# Choose a name for the instance, if needed, to differentiate it among other
# instances running on the same host.
#set session configuration_name = VAX_6310
# Use the following commands to disable the rotating LOG files and enable
# a single LOG file. Select either append or overwrite (for each time the
# instance starts) and specify desired log path and file name.
set session log_method = append
#set session log_method = overwrite
#set session log = VAX_6310.log
# The following line tells the emulator where to preserve NVRAM content.
# The TOY file maintains the current time of the emulated VAX (when it is not
# running) and other console parameters (such as default boot device).
# Both files must be enabled to correctly preserve the saved state of the console.
#set toy container = "charon.dat"
#set eeprom container = "charon.rom"
# Specify the size of RAM (default 32MB). Note that the dongle license might
# limit the maximum amount of memory.
#set ram size = 64
#set ram size = 128
#set ram size = 256
#set ram size = 512
# Select the connection method for the console serial line OPA0.
#load physical_serial_line OPA0 line = "/dev/tty<N>"
#load virtual_serial_line OPA0 port = 10003
load operator_console OPA0
# Uncomment to allow 'F6' to terminate the running emulator.
#set OPA0 stop_on = F6
# Slots 1 - 15 (1 - F) of the VAXBI are able to handle I/O adapters.
load DWMBB XBA xmi_node_id = 14
# KDB50 VAXBI Disk Controller
#load KDB50 DUA vax_bi_node_id = 1
# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DUA0 to the disk image.
#set DUA container[0] = "<file-name>.vdisk"
# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DUA1 to the physical disk drive.
#set DUA container[1] = "/dev/sg<N>"
# Uncomment to connect the emulator's DUA9 to host's CD/DVD-ROM drive or
# to an .ISO file (CD/DVD image).
#set DUA container[9] = "/dev/sg<N>"
#set DUA container[9] = "<file-name>.iso"
# DEBNI VAXBI Ethernet Adapter
#load DEBNI/DEMNA ETA vax_bi_node_id = 2 interface = ETA0
#load packet_port ETA0 interface = "(disabled)"
#set ETA0 interface = "eth<N>"
load DWBUA UBA vax_bi_node_id = 14
# TUK50 UNIBUS Tape Controller
#load TUK50 MUA
# Uncomment to connect the emulator's MUA0 to the physical tape drive or
# to a .VTAPE file (tape image).
#set MUA container[0] = "/dev/sg<N>"
#set MUA container[0] = "<file-name>.vtape"
# this is the end of the configuration file #################################
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