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Set console environment variables.

setenv variable value

setenv variable --


This command sets the console configuration variable to value.  For a complete list of possible variable names and details, see the table below.

To restore variable to its default value, specify -- in place of value.

setenv Variables
VariableDefault ValueDescription
auto-boot?falseIf true, boots automatically after power on or reset.
boot-fileempty stringA string of arguments to be passed to the boot loader (e.g. -a or -v).
boot-devicedisk netSpace delimited list of devices to attempt booting from.
ttya-mode9600,8,n,1,-Serial line configuration for ttya
ttyb-mode9600,8,n,1,-Serial line configuration for ttyb
Changes to environment variables are stored in NVRAM and permanent. However, they only take effect after executing the reset command.

The following example demonstrates the output of the setenv command. 

Example {{setenv} Command Output

ok setenv auto-boot? true
setenv auto-boot? true
auto-boot? =          true

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