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Scripts and files description

All scripts and files are located in the /opt/charon/utils folder except for .charon* files. The "Custom" column below indicates the file will not be overwritten with new kit installation/upgrade.

(info) Greyed cells represent obsolete files that could be present if you upgrade from a previous kit




Shell script


Common script file used for alerts. If it does not exist, it is cloned from the example file (see below)


Shell script


Example of common script file used for alerts. By default alerts are ‘wall’ and ‘mailx’ based


Data file


Contains the mail footer used to send email alerts (see above)


Data file


Contains the mail recipients list used to send email alerts (see above)


Shell script


Script file including common variables and functions


Shell script


Script file including common variables and functions for menus

charon_console_autoconnectShell script Script executed in the crontab file to connect to the guests console if no user is already connected, records all console output


Shell script


License expiration check or key reading check with ‘-nomail’ parameter


Shell script


Manages start/stop of the guests, defined as a service


Data file


Contains the guests list for start/stop: HW emulator and configuration file


Shell script


Optional script, user made, used to display status of the guest by the guest start menu (charon_menu_gstart)


Shell script


Example for the one one above


Shell script


Optional script that enables the customer to insert proper guests shutdown commands (based on ‘ssh’ or ‘expect’ tool for example). This script is generated on user request.


Shell script


Example for the script above including ‘ssh’ and ‘expect’ usage for VMS and Tru64 operating systems.

charon_licenses.listData file(tick)Optional file that contains the list of licenses (number), their description and a display color code
charon_linux_toolkit.Vxx.tarTar file Contains the full Linux Toolkit package where "xx" represents the kit number (starting with kit number 41)
charon_linux_utils.kitxx.tarTar file Contains the full Linux utils kit where "xx" represents the kit number (kits number 40 and below)
CHARON_Linux_Toolkit_UG.pdfDocument Toolkit users guide, PDF format (starting with kit number 41)




Utilities users guide, PDF format (kits number 40 and below)

charon_logarchiveShell script Manage services and guests console logs archiving


Shell script


Manages guests log monitoring, defined as a service


Data file


Contains the list of guests log files to monitor

charon_logeventShell script Check for new events in the guests log files and sends alerts depending on the selected level
charon_menu_alertsmgrShell script Menu: Alerts management


Shell script


Menu: alert script editing (kits number 40 and below)

charon_menu_alert.datData file Contains the options list for the alerts menu (kits number 40 and below)


Shell script


Menu: creates and send C2V file


Shell script


Menu: connection to guest console


Shell script


Menu: edit crontab for license expiration check

charon_menudoc.datData file Contains the options list for the Documentation submenu


Shell script


Menu: edit guests configuration file


Shell script


Menu: guests start/stop management, install service, edit guests list, etc…


Shell script


Menu: host information report management


Data file


Contains the options list for the Host information submenu


Shell script


Menu: guests log monitoring management

charon_menu_logeventShell script Menu: selection for the of guests logs alert level (kits number 40 and below)
charon_menu_mailfooterShell script Menu: customize alerts email footer (kits number 40 and below)
charon_menu_mailmodeShell script Menu: selection of the alert emails mode, HTML or pure TEXT (kits number 40 and below)


Shell script


Menu: mail recipients list management (kits number 40 and below)

charon_menu_ncuShell script Menu: check if 'ncu' is installed and execute it


Data file


Contains the options list for the main menu

charon_menu_sendlogsShell script Menu: send configuration and log files via email


Shell script


Menu: show license content

charon_menu_v2cShell script Menu: Install or Update (apply V2C file)
charon_menu_walloffShell script Menu: enable/disable alert wall messages (kits number 40 and below)


Shell script


Monitors abnormal termination of the services (guests)


Shell script


Charon installation/upgrade/remove script


Shell script


Gather Charon server information




Contains the events found in guests log files that will be sent via mail. Contains only events detected since last charon_logevent script execution (crontab)

fixgeditShell script 

Prevents from gedit command to display garbage messages.

Execute this script before like this: # . /opt/charon/utils/fixgedit


Expect script


This ‘expect’ script contains sequence for Tru64 and VMS shutdown. See explanation in the Tips and Tricks chapter

kit.versionData file Contains kit version and release date (updated by the maketar script below)

Perl script


Menu display based on data file


Shell script


Kit installation script, setup the ‘menu’ command

Perl module


Contains enhanced display commands used by


Data file


Configuration file used for guests tests


Text file


Release notes


Contains flag files that determines the guest has been stopped properly (requested stop). If the guest is stopped and the file does not exist, it indicates an abnormal termination of the guest

Flag files are empty and have the following name: configuration file name + ".stop" (example: pluto.cfg.stop)


Text file


Tips on how to create ssh trust between Linux and Openvms


Text file


Tips on how to create ssh trust between Linux and Tru64




Contains templates used to send alerts via ‘mailx’ and ‘wall’

$HOME/.charon.autoconnectData file(tick)Console autoconnect enabled (contains 1) or disabled (contains 0)
$HOME/.charonconslogdirData file(tick)Location for the console log file can be changed by placing the desired folder name in this file. Default is /opt/charon/log folder if this file is not created


Data file


Contains the Charon kit location provided at installation

$HOME/.charon.lastrecipientData file(tick)Contains the last email recipient used for the above options in order to prevent from typing again the email address
$HOME/.charonlogeventData file(tick)Contains the alert level selected for guests log files events


Data file


Contains mail mode used to send email alerts, either HTML (default if the file does not exist) or TEXT. Used by charon_check.alertcmd script


Data file


Contains the software license kit location (where the dinst and dunst script files are located)

$HOME/.charon.recipientData file(tick)Contains the email recipient selected when sending hasp_srm_view output, C2V file or host information html report
$HOME/.charonwalloffData file(tick)Exists if the "wall" message are disabled
$HOME/.charon.expchk.nodongleData file(tick)Exists if the expiration check script has detected the absence of the dongle. This is to prevent from sending expiration alert messages if no dongle is present (the alert will be sent only once)
$HOME/.charonlicfolderData file(tick)Contains the folder name where all the license files, C2V and V2C, are located


  • Menu data files format is detailed using the following command:

    # /opt/charon/utils/ -fd

Manual services management



Linux distribution without systemd (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)Linux distribution using systemd (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Fedora)

Services list

# chkconfig –list | grep ^Charon

There are 2 services that can be installed:

  • charon_gstart: guests start/stop
  • charon_logchk: log monitoring

# systemctl | grep ^charon

Typically there is:

  • one service for dongle connection/disconnection monitoring (charon_monusb)
  • 2 services per guest (virtual machine), one for the emulator itself and one for the log monitoring

Prevent service to start at boot

# chkconfig <service> off

# systemctl disable <service>

(warning) It is not recommended to use command line to do so, please use menu option 6

Enable service start at boot

# chkconfig <service> on

# systemctl enable <service>

(warning) It is not recommended to use command line to do so, please use menu option 6

Start or Stop service

# service <service> start

# service <service> stop

Without supplemental parameter, all guests or logs monitoring are stopped

To stop a dedicated guest, add the configuration file name

To stop a dedicated log file monitoring, add the log file name

Files can be truncated to their name only, directory and extension will be automatically completed


# service charon_gstart stop pluto

# service charon_gstart stop /opt/charon/cfg/pluto.cfg

# systemctl start <service>

# systemctl stop <service>


# systemctl start charon_pluto

Service status

# service <service> status

# systemctl status <service>

Use of the following options is recommended: "-l --lines=xx" where "xx" a number of lines from the journal to show, counting the most recent ones.

Service removal

# chkconfig –del <service>

First disable the service:

# systemctl disable <service>

then remove (optional) the associated service file:

# rm /etc/systemd/system/<service>.service


# systemctl disable charon_pluto

# systemctl disable charon_logmon_pluto

# rm /etc/systemd/system/charon_pluto.service

# rm /etc/systemd/system/charon_logmon_pluto.service

(warning) It is not recommended to use command line to do so, please use menu option 6


© Stromasys, 1999-2024  - All the information is provided on the best effort basis, and might be changed anytime without notice. Information provided does not mean Stromasys commitment to any features described.