Purpose of this document
Purpose of this document
This document is the user’s guide of the “Charon Linux Toolkit”.
The Toolkit provides the following features:
- Manage start/stop guests at server boot with services and customized shutdown commands:
- Automatic start of the guests (virtual machines) at Linux server boot
- Clean shutdown of the guests at Charon server shutdown
- Clean shutdown of one guest at will using customized shutdown scripts (using 'ssh', 'expect' or any customized tool)
- Monitor the CHARON guests log file
- Alert on removal of the license dongle
- Send alerts for all INFO, WARN and ERROR messages found (depending on the error level setting)
- Alert on license approaching termination
- Number of days before expiration alert is sent can be customized
- Number of days before expiration alert is sent can be customized
- Provide menu driven options and command lines to:
- Start/stop guests
- Connect to guests console
- Display license contents, gather license content and update (send C2V and apply V2C files)
- Send configuration and log files by email
- Edit configuration files
- Gather Charon server information: Hardware, Operating System, Storage, Network interfaces, Charon version, Utilities version
, multiple selections available,
© Stromasys, 1999-2024 - All the information is provided on the best effort basis, and might be changed anytime without notice. Information provided does not mean Stromasys commitment to any features described.