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VM management - View guest log file

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Use this option to either edit the log files using a selected text editor or to have a continuous view ("live") of the log file for the selected guest.


  • Rotating log files are supported only with CHARON-AXP and CHARON-VAX V4.7 minimum and Linux Toolkit 42 minimum

  • Log files are automatically archived at guest start whatever the log_method parameter is set in the configuration file so a new one is created each time.
  • The logs are kept for 60 days by default. See "Manage recursive jobs: license expiration check, log events (cron)" to change settings.
  • When using the log file edition, only 16 most recent ones are displayed in the list. To get older files, you will need to find them in the log file folder with name identical to the defined log file and with extension:
    • ".upto<YYYY-MM-DD-HHMNSE>" (example: /charon/pluto.log.upto2015-07-02-172824 ) if the virtual machine is not using rotating log files or
    • as defined by the log rotation mechanism (example: /charon/logs/pluto-2015-11-30-14-13-55-000000000.log )



Example1 - Continuous view

We can see below at point:

(1) The utility displays the last 12 lines of the current log file. In this case the guest was in stopped state.

(2) The log file became inaccessible. Reason the guest has been started hence the current log file was archived and a new one was created

(3) The continuous view continues with the newly detected log file

(lightbulb) The continuous log view can be called using the command line "logtail", see Additional command lines

Example2 - Log edition

Select editor view (1), the log file (2) and specify if you want to display or not the "regular license check" messages (3). The editor will be selected depending on the preferences:


  • 'From' date is either based on the first line including a date found in the log file or on file creation time
  • 'To' date corresponds to the date time the file was archived (renamed before guest start)
  • It is highly recommended to use 'vim' or 'gvim' (if possible and if installed) to have the benefits of log highlighting

(lightbulb) The log edition can be called using the command line "logview", see Additional command lines

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