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The "hasp_update" is a Sentinel standard utility for HASP license management included in the Charon kit.

To invoke the "hasp_update" utility login as "root" and use the following syntax:

# hasp_update <option> <filename>


<option>uUpdates a Sentinel protection key / attaches a detached license
iRetrieves Sentinel protection key information
dDetaches a license from a Sentinel Software License (SL) key
rRehost a license from a Sentinel Software License (SL) key
hDisplay help
<filename>Path to the V2C/H2R file when used with the 'u' option

Optional path to the C2V file when used with the 'i' option

Uses "stdout" if file name is not specified


# hasp_update u license_update.v2c


We recommend to use this tool only for "Update a Sentinel protection key / attach a detached license" function ("u" option). For the rest use "hasp_srm_view" utility.

(info) Dongle (hardware) license updates always include two files, one with the format "<name>_fmt.v2c" and one with "<name>.c2v". Install the "<name>_fmt.v2c" (format) file first then the "<name>.v2c" file.

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