Troubleshoot NIC Dedicated for CHARON

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Troubleshoot NIC Dedicated for CHARON

This part of the Network Control Centre utility is for troubleshooting network adapter issues. Upon selecting this option from the main menu you will be immediately presented with a list of network adapters, similar to the window shown below.  To begin, select a network adapter from the list and click Next.

Troubleshooting Network Adapter List

If the CHARON-AXP/SMA virtual machine is operating while running the troubleshooting tool you will receive the following warning:

As the troubleshooting tool can generate packets that appear to be coming from the guest system it is not recommended to run the tool and the virtual machine in a production environment.

Testing Network Adapter Settings

The first troubleshooting step the utility takes is to determine if the network adapter has been configured appropriately, as described in Configure NIC. The example below shows an adapter that has not been configured correctly. The relevant messages will be highlighted in YELLOW.

Troubleshooting Step 1: Check Network Adapter Settings

To rectify the network adapter settings, select the Fix the adapter configuration checbox and click Next.  This may take a minute as all unnecessary protocols are removed from the network adapter and the CHARON-AXP/SMA driver is enabled.

If you have possibly selected the wrong network adapter from the previous window or for some reason do not want to fix the settings, do not select Fix the adapter configuration, just click Next.  This will take you to the final step.

Once the settings have been applied, or if the network adapter was already correctly configured, you will see a window similar to the following.  Click Next to move on to the next step.

Troubleshooting Step 1: Correct Network Adapter Settings


DECnet Network Tests

The next troubleshooting step is to test the DECnet network.  If this test is not necessary in your environment, simply select the Skip tests checkbox and click Next.  This will take you to the next step.

Troublshooting Step 2: DECnet Network Tests

At this point, enter the DECnet Phase IV network and node numbers for the CHARON-AXP/SMA virtual machine and click Next.  This will start the DECnet tests.  The next window will show a progress bar as the network tests are executed.  To cancel the DECnet tests at any time, just click Cancel.

TCP/IP Network Tests

The next troubleshooting step is to test the TCP/IP network.  If this test is not necessary in your environment, simply select the Skip tests checkbox and click Next.  This will take you to the next step.

Troubleshooting Step 3: TCP/IP Network Tests

At this point, enter the TCP/IP address and subnet mask of the CHARON-AXP/SMA virtual machine and click Next.  This will start the TCP/IP tests.  The next window will show a progress bar as the network tests are executed.  To cancel the TCP/IP tests at any time, just click Cancel.

Test Completion

Once all tests have been run (or the first step aborted) the troubleshooting utility will present a log indicating the test performed and their results.  The example below shows a report indicating that the network adapter may not be connected.

Test Completion Report


To view a more detailed version of the log file, select the Show detailed log checkbox.

To resolve network issues, follow the recommendations of the utility.  Click Save Log in file to retain a copy of the troubleshooting log for future reference or, in the event of failure or a need for further assistance, submission to Stromasys Support.

To return to the main Network Control Center menu, click Finish.

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