Version: 1.18 - Published 

Table of contents


The goal of this Powershell script is to read the license content and send alerts 15 days (by default) before expiration. This document is related to the kit versions 1.9 to 1.17.

This utility is replaced by CHARON on Windows - Charon License Utility that provides a graphical interface providing the Windows server has PowerShell 5.1 and .NET Framework 4.6 minimum installed (4.8 recommended) installed.

Alerts consist in:

Alert levels:

Days before expiration (date limited license)Hours before expiration (time limited license)Alert level
Between 7 and number of days defined (15 by default)Between 73 and 96 hoursInformational
Between 3 and 7Between 49 and 72 hours


Less than 3 and expiredLess than 49 and expired


Related products:

Charon-AXP and Charon-VAX/PDP V4.5 and above

Operating systems:

Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Professional, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 (R2), Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019

Step-by-step guide


Interactive check

To run PowerShell scripts (files that end with .ps1), you must first set the execution policy to Unrestricted (This operation has to be done once).

To do so, open a command line window (cmd.exe) as an Administrator and use the following command:
c:\Charon>powershell -command "Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted"

(info) The ExecutionPolicy can also be set to "RemoteSigned". In this case the .ps1 script files will have to be unblocked as described below.

If you are still prompted to allow for execution of the script, please run the following command to unblock the downloaded charon_expchk.ps1 file:
c:\Charon>powershell -command "Unblock-File -path c:\charon\charon_expchk.ps1"


c:\Charon>powershell -file charon_expchk.ps1 -folder c:\charon -nbdays 20

(info) If the license is not readable (dongle not connected for example), the script will end with an "Unable to generate the license view from hasp_view.exe!" error, an entry will be added to the Windows Event Application log and the expiredlicense.bat script will be executed.

If no script error is detected, it is now possible to create a new scheduled task.

Scheduled task creation

Scheduled task creation using the Graphical User Interface

To set this,

(info) Examples are given based on a Windows 2008 R2 server

Right click on Task Scheduler Library, select New folder then enter CHARON.

Select the newly created folder (1) and on the right pane, select "Create Task..." (2).

(warning) Do not use "Create Basic Task..."  some of the options required aren't available in that wizard.

Fill the General tab as below:

Select the Triggers tab and set the check interval, for example here: everyday at 09:00 AM

Select the Actions tab and configure powershell to be executed with the following parameters:

(1) : Powershell location here is "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"

(2) : Define the powershell arguments to be added: -file c:\Charon\charon_expchk.ps1 -folder c:\Charon (the folder parameter is optional here as it is the same as the default folder)

(3) : Set the folder to be the one where the scripts reside

(info) Once the task is created, it is recommended to right click on the task then "Run". To verify the script ran correctly, please check the existence of the "charon_expchk.txt" file in the installation folder (it should contain the license view, if the license is present) and check for events in the Windows Event Application log if any.

Scheduled task creation using the Character User Interface

Open a command line window (cmd.exe) and execute the following command:

c:\Charon>schtasks /create /SC DAILY /ST 09:00 /NP /RL HIGHEST /TN "CHARON\CHARON License Expiration Check" ^
/TR "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file c:\Charon\charon_expchk.ps1 -folder c:\Charon"

(lightbulb) Update the schedule type (/SC) and time (/ST) to your desired settings

Start the task as shown below:

c:\Charon>schtasks /run /TN "CHARON\CHARON License Expiration Check"

To verify the script ran correctly, please check the existence of the "charon_expchk.txt" file in the installation folder (it should contain the license view, if the license is present) and check for events in the Windows Event Application log if any.

Configuration file example

In the following example, the parameters/values are stored in the c:\charon\charon_expchk.ini file.


#Folder where the scripts are located

# Number of days before expiration alert

# Location of the hasp_view.exe file if Charon is not installed

# Send an alert even if no license is about to or has expired

To execute the script with the .ini file, use the following command:

c:\Charon>powershell -file c:\charon\charon_expchk.ps1 -ini c:\charon\charon_expchk.ini

To create the scheduled task, open a command line window (cmd.exe) and execute the following command:

c:\Charon>schtasks /create /SC DAILY /ST 09:00 /NP /RL HIGHEST /TN "CHARON\CHARON License Expiration Check" ^
More? /
TR "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file c:\Charon\charon_expchk.ps1 -ini c:\Charon\charon_expchk.ini"


(lightbulb) To verify the script is correctly working and to force the creation of a Windows event, and eventually the execution of the "expiredlicense.bat" file, you can:

Windows Event Application log example - Information alert:

Windows Event Application log example - License dongle not connected:

Sending alerts via email - example

Using Powershell we can send alerts via email. You will find below an example with configuration steps.

Configuration details:

Email account password encryption

Due to the email account settings, to be able to send an email we need to generate a CliXML file that will store the encrypted password as described below.

(info) This file will only be valid for the current user and machine. The following operations must be performed using the same user as the author of the scheduled task.

(question) The "<monitoring-account>@<somewhere>" value must be adapted to your configuration

(question) When you will execute the "get-credential" command, you will be prompted to store the password of the corresponding email account, that is the "sender".

Windows PowerShell
Copyright (C) 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PS C:\Charon> $From="<monitoring-account>@<somewhere>"
PS C:\Charon> $Creds=(get-credential -credential $From)
PS C:\Charon> $Creds | Export-CliXML C:\Charon\creds.clixml
PS C:\Charon> exit


(warning) If the sender's email address or its password has to be changed, the .clixml file will have to be recreated.

Powershell script used to send emails

Create a Powershell script named "sendmail.ps1" in the "c:\Charon" folder for example.

(question) The sender ($From) and recipient ($To) values must be adapted to your configuration

  [string]$lvl = "Information",
  [string]$msg = "no message"

$Hostname = (Get-Item env:\COMPUTERNAME).value
$Creds = Import-clixml C:\Charon\creds.clixml

#--- Customize the values below: "From" and "To" -----------------------------
$From = "<monitoring-account>@<somewhere>"
$To = "<someone>@<somewhere>"

send-mailmessage -to $To -from $From -subject "CHARON License Expiration Check for $Hostname ($lvl)" -body "$msg" -credential $Creds -smtpserver -usessl -port 587 -delivery none

(lightbulb) If you have to specify multiple recipients, an array has to be used as described below.


$To = @( "James T. Kirk <kirk@uss-enterprise.fed>", "Spock <spock@uss-enterprise.fed>" )


$To = @( "kirk@uss-enterprise.fed", "spock@uss-enterprise.fed", "uhura@uss-enterprise.fed" )

(info) The example shown above and another one given with embedded html code and colored email body are part of the kit downloaded previously.

Office365 email account is given here as an example but you can use "gmail" also and create a free dedicated account to send alerts. In this case the last line of the script(s) above has to be updated: the "-smtpserver" parameter has its "" value to be replaced by "" (no other value to update)

(warning) Google may block sign-in attempts when using powershell and send-mailmessage. In this case the sender will receive a "Sign in attempt prevented" alert email. To allow emails to be sent:

  1. Create a dedicated gmail account
  2. Allow less secure apps to access your account. See this article:

expiredlicense.bat file settings

Add the following line in the "expiredlicense.bat" file:

powershell -NonInteractive -file c:\charon\sendmail.ps1 -lvl %1 -msg %2

(info) This .bat file can be found in the kit downloaded previously.

Scheduled task settings update

This time, the General tab of the Scheduled task has to be updated in order to store the password and to be able to send the email:

You will be prompted to store the password of the author.

This can also be done using the command line:

c:\Charon>schtasks /change /TN "CHARON\CHARON License Expiration Check" /rp <password>

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