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Comment: Introduce workaround for Confluence PDF bullet list bug


Starting with VE license server version 1.1.13, the previous information-only web interface has been changed to a management interface. It provides the following functions:

Table of Contents


  • The TCP port used by remote systems to web-based management interface must be permitted on the license server, and by any intermediate firewall.
    Default: TCP/8084; an alternative port can be configured in /opt/license-server/config.ini.
  • TCP port 80 must be available to the license server to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS. For remote connections, the port must also be permitted through intermediate firewalls. Starting with version 1.1.25, redirection (and thereby use of TCP port 80) can be enabled or disabled in /opt/license-server/config.ini.
  • Important: at the time of writing, the web-server component of the license server applications will not start if a port required by the web server is already used by another application. This will also prevent the licensing component from starting.

Accessing the Management GUI and Logging in


Use the following URL in any web browser to access the management GUI:
https://<host>:<port>/ wherewhere

  • host is the name or address of the VE license server, and
  • port is the TCP port (8084 by default).

Use localhost as the hostname for accessing the GUI of a license server running on the local system. Example: https://localhost:8084. Using just http://<license-server-ip> will redirect to the configured HTTPS port.

Please note: any intermediate firewall must allow the TCP port ports used for the management GUI.


  • either obtain a certificate for the host from one of the commercial certification authorities, or
  • they must create their own self-signed certificate and add it to the web browser.

The new certificates replace the server.pem certificate in /opt/license-server/certs (move the old certificate to a save place).

Steps to create a self-signed certificate:


  • Create the combined server certificate for the license server:
    # cp servercert.cer server.pem
    # cat servercert.key.pem >> server.pem
  • Restart the license server (# systemctl start licensed)
  • Import the root CA (ca.cer) into your browser’s Trusted Root Certification Authorities Certificate Store.



See Certificates Used by the VE License Server for more information.

Displaying the License Information


It can be selected via the menu on the left (License Information).


Displaying the


List of Connected Clients

The client list can be displayed by selecting the Client List option on the left pane. A sample with one connected client is displayed below:

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Please note: Charon-PAR license clients cannot inform the license server about the configured number of CPUs and amount of memory. Hence, for these clients, the corresponding fields in the display will be empty.

Displaying the List of Registered Clients (AutoVE mode)

This option shows clients registered with the AutoVE license servers independent of whether the instance is active.

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Updating a License

The license management section can be opened by selecting Update License on the left pane. This will open the license management screen as shown below:


As an alternative to the command-line program for C2V export, you can create your C2V file via the management GUI. The section for C2V export has two input fields described below:



License Type


  • VE License:


  • select if the license server operates in general VE license mode.
  • AutoVE License: select if the license server


  • operates in AutoVE mode.

General VE license mode and AutoVE mode are mutually exclusive.


Drop-down menu to select platform on which the license server runs. This list is different depending on the mode in which the VE license server runs:

Platforms supported by general VE license mode:

  • Amazon AWS
  • Oracle OCI
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google GCP
  • IBM Cloud
  • Nutanix AHV
  • VMware ESXi
  • Physical Machine

Platforms supported by AutoVE mode:

  • Amazon AWS
  • Oracle OCI
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google GCP

The platform selected must match the platform on which the license server host system runs.


Steps to export a C2V file


  1. Enter the correct License Type.
  2. Select the correct Platform.
    1. If the chosen platform is VMware ESXi, there will be an additional menu indicated by three dots. Click on this option to open the esxi_bind configuration window.

      Enter the IP address and the login information of the ESXi host or vCenter Server to which the license server should bind.
      Then press Submit.

      Insert excerpt
      PDC:__Include: Installing a License on the VE License Server
      PDC:__Include: Installing a License on the VE License Server
  3. Click on Export to create the C2V file.
  4. After a successful export, a download option will be displayed that allows you to download the created file to your local system (see below).
    Image Added

Send the C2V file to Stromasys for them to create a license.


Importing a V2C File

In response to the C2V file sent, you will receive two files from Stromasys. One text file containing the license content in human-readable form, and the V2C license file.
