Starting with VE license server version 1.1.13, the previous information-only web interface has been changed to a management interface. It provides the following functions:
The web-based management GUI is provided by the license server on TCP port 8084 by default (the port can be changed in /opt/license-server/config.ini; see also Additional Configuration Options - the config.ini File).
Use the following URL in any web browser to access the management GUI:https://<host>:<port>/
Use localhost as the hostname for accessing the GUI of a license server running on the local system. Example: https://localhost:8084
. Using just http://<license-server-ip>
will redirect to the configured HTTPS port.
Please note: any intermediate firewall must allow the TCP ports used for the management GUI.
Upon connecting to the URL, a login screen will be displayed.
Default credentials:
After logging in, you will be presented with a list of menu options on the left pane of the screen and the content of the selected option on the right hand. Please change the default password immediately.
When connecting to the VE license server web-based management GUI for the first time, the web browser will issue a warning and inform the user that the connection is not private. This is due to the fact that Stromasys, when creating the installation kit, cannot foresee the actual customer environment. Thus, the SSL certificate included with the license server kit includes a dummy hostname that does not match the real hostname of the customer license server system, and it also contains Stromasys as the certificate authority which is unknown to web-browsers by default.
It is possible to override the warning and connect to the page. Otherwise, users must
See Certificates Used by the VE License Server for more information.
The first screen after login is the license information screen similar to the one shown below:
It can be selected via the menu on the left (License Information).
The client list can be displayed by selecting the Client List option on the left pane. A sample with one connected client is displayed below:
Please note: Charon-PAR license clients cannot inform the license server about the configured number of CPUs and amount of memory. Hence, for these clients, the corresponding fields in the display will be empty.
This option shows clients registered with the AutoVE license servers independent of whether the instance is active.
The license management section can be opened by selecting Update License on the left pane. This will open the license management screen as shown below:
The license management section includes two options:
The result panes show the result of the operation including any errors that may have occurred.
As an alternative to the command-line program for C2V export, you can create your C2V file via the management GUI. The section for C2V export has two input fields described below:
General VE license mode and AutoVE mode are mutually exclusive.
Drop-down menu to select platform on which the license server runs. This list is different depending on the mode in which the VE license server runs:
Platforms supported by general VE license mode:
Platforms supported by AutoVE mode:
The platform selected must match the platform on which the license server host system runs.
Send the C2V file to Stromasys for them to create a license.
In response to the C2V file sent, you will receive two files from Stromasys. One text file containing the license content in human-readable form, and the V2C license file.
You can import the V2C license file using the v2c command-line utility, or you can use the web GUI. In the section Import V2C File perform the following steps:
The access to the web GUI requires a username and a password. The Users section enable the management of such users. They are separate from the Linux system users.
Default credentials:
Each user can have one of two roles: Admin or Guest. The role cannot be changed after a user has been created.
Admin users have access to all options. Guest users can only display information and change their password.
The following image shows the initial user overview:
Available options on the Users screen:
Clicking on Add User opens a pop-up-window similar to the following:
You can set the following parameters:
Click on Submit to create the user.
The following shows a list with two additional users for which the Remove option is also available.
Clicking on Modify will open a window similar to the Add User window - with the difference that only the password change option is enabled.
If the password of the admin user charon is lost it can be reset via the command-line.
As the root user, use the following command:
# /opt/license-server/license_server -p
You will be prompted for the new password twice.