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...drop some step-by-step stuff in here about loading a license...

...add the same sections titles as the GUI...provide the The CHARON-SSP Agent provides two command line utilities for the management of licenses.  The following sections describe how to use these tools:

Table of Contents

Complete documentation for the two utilities used in this section can be found in the section Command Line Utilities Reference.

Viewing the License Details

To view the current details of the license key, use the hasp_srm_view utility.  The following shows and hasp_update alternatives...


The Sentinel HASP key software is installed as part of the CHARON-SSP Agent.  These utilities can be installed by the following the instructions described in Installing the CHARON-SSP Agent.

Post-Installation Tasks

If the CHARON-SSP agent is only installed for the purposes of accessing the license management command-line utilities, then it is highly recommended the following post-installation tasks should be carried out to prevent potentials...

Disable the CHARON-SSP Agent Service

Use the following commands to disable the CHARON-SSP Agent service and avoid automatic start up at system boot.example of the output generated by this utility.

titleExample of License Data Output from {{hasp_srm_view}}

License Manager running at host: localhost.localdomain
License Manager IP address:
The Physical KeyId: 1538162443
CHARON Sentinel HASP License key section
Reading 4032 bytes
License Manager running at host: localhost.localdomain
License Manager IP address:
The License Number: 1002784
The License KeyId: 1538162443
The Master KeyId: 2131943932
Release date: 10-APR-2015
Release time: 14:50:51
Update number: 2
End User name: Tim Ewing Sneddon
Purchasing Customer name: Stromasys Asia Pacific
Virtual Hardware: SPARCstation_20, Enterprise_450
Product Name: CHARON-SSP/4M, CHARON-SSP/4U for Linux x64
Product Code: CHSSP-xxxxx-LI
Major Version: 1
Minor Version: 0
Maximum Build: 99999
Minimum Build: 1
Host CPU supported: X64
Host Operating System required: LINUX
CPU's allowed: 24
Maximum virtual memory: 32768MB
Instances allowed: 3
Released product expiration date: 28-May-2015
Field Test product expiration date: 28-May-2015

Gathering Customer to Vendor (C2V) Detail

To gather the customer to vendor (C2V) data file, use the following command:


titleDisable the CHARON-SSP Agent Service

# chkconfig --del charon-agentd-spk

Add Sentinel HASP Utilities to the Shell PATH

...describe addind them to path, with a sample from .bashrc or whatere it is called today...


The following command line utilities can be used to query and update the Sentinel HASP 


Page Tree

Command to Gather Customer to Vendor Data File

$ hasp_srm_view -c2v /path/to/keydata.c2v

The resulting file should then be sent to Stromasys Orders Administration via email,

Applying Vendor to Customer (V2C) License Updates

License keys received from Stromasys Orders Administration can be applied using the hasp_update command line utility.  In some cases, depending on the license type there maybe one or two files to apply.

  1. A license file to format the key (optional, for hardware licenses only).  The file name is of the format *_fmt.v2c.
  2. The license key file.  The filename is of the format *.v2c.

If there are multiple keys, it is important that they are applied in the correct order.  To apply a V2C file, use the following command:

titleCommand to Apply Vendor to Customer (V2C) License File

$ hasp_update u /path/to/key.v2c

For multiple key files, this command should be used for both, consecutively.


All V2C (vendor to customer) files are sequentially numbered and can only be applied once and in order. After the V2C license data files has been applied it is not possible to reuse them.