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Configure PulseAudio on Linux for network access


Check if PulseAudio is installed on the system.

# rpm -qa | grep -i pulseaudio

If the software is not installed, use

# yum install pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils

to install it.


Enable network access to the PulseAudio server.

Edit the PulseAudio configuration file:

If PulseAudio runs under the non-root account of the current desktop user (normal case, recommended):

# vi /etc/pulse/

If PulseAudio is run as root user (system mode, not recommended, only useful in special cases – e.g., embedded use where no real local users exist):

# vi /etc/pulse/

Add the following line if it does not already exist:

load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=1

Save the file.


Restart the PulseAudio server.

If the file was modified, the following commands must be run as the non-root user under which PulseAudio was originally started.

Stop the PulseAudio server:

$ pulseaudio -k

Start the PulseAudio server:

$ pulseaudio --start

If PulseAudio was started in system mode and the file was modified, the system-wide service must be restarted.

Please note: if “autospawn = yes” is set in /etc/pulse/client.conf, the process will be restarted automatically after stopping it.


Check if the server is listening on its port.

# netstat -an | grep 4713


# netstat -a | grep -i pulse
