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Charon-AXP/VAX has a configuration parameter to define the number of retries (license_key_lookup_retry). Please refer to the product configuration documentation for more details.


A software license does not require any special hardware but it still requires installation of the Sentinel runtime environment

Important information:

  • To avoid unexpected problems, do not use any Sentinel runtime software that was not provided by Stromasys without being advised to do so by your Stromasys representative.
  • Software licenses are best suited for stable environments, because their correct function depends on certain characteristics of the host system. Changing these characteristics will invalidate the license.

    • If the Charon host runs on real hardware, software licenses are by default tightly bound to the hardware for which they were issued. If major hardware characteristics of the system are changed, the license will be disabled.
    • If the Charon host runs in a virtual environment (e.g., VMware), software licenses are normally bound to the virtual machine ID and a set of additional characteristics of the virtual machine. If any of these parameters are changed, the license will be disabled.
    • For a more detailed description of the restrictions, please refer to Software Licensing restrictions or contact your Stromasys representative.
  • Software licenses are very sensitive to even small changes on the host system. Therefore, it is especially important to provide for a backup license that will ensure continued operation should there be a problem with the software license. See Handling Multiple License Keys for details.
  • Standard software licenses are not suited for running Charon emulator products in cloud environments. Stromasys provides other licensing solutions adapted to virtual environments (Charon VE licenses) for selected products. See Virtual Environment (VE) License Server Documentation.


  1. Add a password for the Sentinel Admin Control Center (ACC).
  2. If you purchased a hardware license, you can simply plug the dongle into a free USB port on the system.
  3. If you purchased a software license, you need to create a fingerprint file in C2V (customer-to-vendor) format containing the system characteristics. Use this file to request a license for your Charon product from Stromasys.
  4. If your license is a network license served by a license server, make sure that the access of the client system to the license server is not blocked by the configuration or a firewall.
  5. Optionally, define how multiple licenses will be used (selecting primary/backup license, defining license priorities).
  6. If you have an existing license that needs to be updated, you need to create a customer-to-vendor (C2V) file and use this file to request a license update from Stromasys.


To view available licenses using Sentinel ACC, start the web interface as described above.

Please note: starting with Charon-AXP/VAX 4.9 a new Sentinel ACC version (>= 7.60) has been included in the product. The functionality is very similar but the appearance is somewhat different.

o get to the Sentinel Keys screen, click on the corresponding menu item or access the URL http://localhost:1947/_int_/devices.html directly. A screen similar to the following opens and displays the available license keys:


  • The option to create a C2V file is not available in older versions of the license software.
  • Starting with ACC version 7.60, the option to create C2V files for USB dongles is only available if it has been enabled in the basic configuration section (under the Configuration menu item).
  • Newer versions of ACC also offer the option to create a fingerprint for a new SW license.
  • Some newer versions of ACC show the option on this screen to create a DEMOMA fingerprint. This is a demo key for development purposes and not relevant for Charon products.
  • Some newer versions of ACC offer to create a fingerprint for a software license if such a license does not exist yet. Do not use this option. The resulting file has a format that is incompatible with the Stromasys license creation tools. Instead use the tools described in Generating C2V and Fingerprint Files Installing the License.

The menu options ProductsFeatures and Sessions on the left-hand side provide the same information as the buttons. However, they show the information for all licenses.


If there is more than one license, the data for each license is shown on a separate tab.

Please note: starting with Charon-AXP/VAX version 4.9, the button Charon License Details has been renamed to Refresh current license. The names of some parameters have changed, new parameters were added, and other parameters removed. See the following sample output:

Image Modified

Installing the License


A local hardware license (USB dongle) is installed by inserting the USB license key into a free USB port of the host system after the Sentinel runtime software has been installed.

After this step, verify that the license is visible to the system by following the steps for viewing a license as described above. Please bear in mind that a local hardware license cannot be read when connected to the system via a remote connection (e.g., via RDP).


1. Open a web-browser on the client host and go to the URL http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_to.html
 (option: Configuration / Access to Remote License Managers). 

2. This will open a configuration page similar to the following. Please note: newer Charon emulator products (e.g., Charon-AXP/VAX version 4.9) have newer versions of the Sentinel license drivers. The Sentinel ACC pages of these versions look different, but the functionality remains mostly the same


The following sections describe the options available to achieve a more deterministic license selection. If only one license is available, either locally installed or via the network, this section does not apply.

Please note: for Charon-AXP/VAX before version 4.9 and other older Charon products: the parameters described in this section can only be used to define a primary key and a backup key, or to specify the correct key if there is a conflicting license for a different Charon product on the same system. It is not possible with these versions of Charon to combine a local license (black dongle) with other licenses (local or network) to increase the number of concurrent instances of the same Charon product on one host system. Newer versions allow a more flexible use of multiple licenses. Both variants are described in the following sections.


If more than one key is visible to the system, you can define a prioritized list of license keys.  To do this, add the following parameter to the configuration file of the Charon instance:

set session license_key_id = "<key-id prio1>, <key-id prio2>,...[,any]"

The first entry in the list has the highest priority. The emulator instance will try to use this key first. If it is not available, it will try the second key in the list and so on. If the parameter any is added to the end of the list, the emulator instance will search for any keys not part of the list should none of the listed keys be available. If the parameter is not defined, an unqualified search for a suitable license will be performed and the first one found (if any) will be used. If no usable license is found, the emulator will stop.


Every license key can contain one or more product sections. Newer licenses can contain a product license ID identifying each product section. A prioritized list of product license IDs can be added to the emulator instance configuration file to specify which product sections to use and which should have the highest priority. To do this, add the following parameter to the configuration file of the Charon instance:

set session license_id = "<lic-id prio1>, <lic-id prio2>,..."

The emulator instance will scan the available license keys for the listed product license IDs. Then it will try to use the first defined product section. If it is not available, it will try the next and so on. If none of the listed product license IDs are found, the emulator will stop.


Example using old ACC version:

Please note: the certificate display screen can look slightly different depending on the type of software license and the actions performed on this license in the past. The following example shows the certificates of a software license after several updates. The screenshot is based on Sentinel ACC version equal or higher than version 7.60.


5. Remove the certificate file(s) using operating system tools.
