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The first line specifies a mapping to some a unique TCP/IP host port ("10000" in this example), while the second line connects this mapping (TTA0) to the on-board serial line controller having the name "COM2" in CHARON environment.


hostText string

A remote host’s IP address or hostname (and optionally a remote TCP/IP port number) for the virtual serial line connection. If omitted, the virtual serial line does not initiate a connection to the remote host and will listen for incoming connection requests.

Specify the value in the following form:

set OPA0 host="<host-name>[:<port-no>]"

If the "<port-no>" is not specified, the virtual serial line uses the TCP/IP port number specified by the "port" parameter (see below).


The TCP/IP port number for the virtual serial line. A virtual serial line always listens on this port for incoming connection requests.

If multiple virtualized machines are running on a server, ensure the port number is unique across the platform.

applicationText string

An application (a terminal emulator is assumed in most cases) to be started on initialization of this serial line emulation. The specified application startup string may contain all required parameters.


set OPA application = "putty.exe -load OPA0"

In this example the terminal emulator application: "putty" is started with the parameters "-load OPA0" telling it to load a specific saved session named "OPA0", (created separately) from the host registry.

The "application" parameter is often combined with a "port" parameter:

set TTA0 port = 10003 application = "putty.exe -load TTA1"
break_onText string

Specifies what byte sequences received over a virtual serial line triggers a HALT command.

Specify one of the following values: "Crtl-P", "Break" or "none" to disable triggering a HALT condition. The commands are case insensitive.


set OPA0 break_on="Crtl-P"
stop_onText string

Specifies what byte sequences received over the virtual serial line will trigger a STOP condition. The STOP condition causes CHARON-AXP to exit.

Specify one of the following values: “F6” or “none” ("none" disables triggering a STOP condition). The commands are case insensitive.


set OPA0 stop_on="F6"
logText string

A string specifying the filename to store the content of the console sessions or a directory where log files for each individual session will be stored.

If an existing directory is specified, CHARON-AXP automatically enables the creation of individual log files, one for each session using the same scheme as used for the generation of the rotating log files. If the "log" parameter is omitted, CHARON-AXP does not create any console log.


set OPA0 log=”log.txt”
set OPA0 log=”C:\Charon\Logs
