Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Console Parameters

CHARON-AXP console lines have some specific line TTA0 (COM1) has the following parameters:

"On" - always reports DSR signal assertion


Text string

  • "On" - assert the RTS (Request To Send) signal

  • "Off" - clear the RTS signal (default)

  • "DTR" - assert the RTS signal as soon as the DTR signal is asserted


Text string

  • "Off" - always reports DSR signal deassertion

  • "DSR" - use the DSR signal of the physical serial line (if configured)

  • "CD", "DCD", "RLSD" - use the CD (carrier detect) signal of the physical serial line (if configured)

  • communication

    Text string

    • "ASCIIascii" - for connection to terminals  (default)

    • "BINARYbinary" - for serial lines carrying binary (packet) protocols, which are used mainly for communicating with PLCs



    This parameter is used to connect a particular serial line mapping interface to the controller. It is applicable only to the additional console line TTA0


    set COM2 line=TTA0

    All the values in this table are case insensitive.



    set COM1 rts="DTR"
    set COM1 dsr="On"
    set COM1 communication="binary"

