Miscellaneous Management Tasks
The following sections describe some other miscellaneous functionality provided by the CHARON-SSP Manager interface that may be useful in certain instances.
Gathering Host Information
To view the details of the system hosting the CHARON-SSP instance, follow the menu path Tools > Host Information... to open a window similar to the one below.
This window provides details of the host system's hardware configuration and the operating system it is running on.
Determining the CHARON-SSP Manager Version
To determine the version of CHARON-SSP Manager currently running, follow the menu path Help > About... to open a window similar to the one shown below.
The example above shows the About CHARON Manager window for CHARON-SSP Manager version V1.0.13.
Modifying the CHARON-SSP Agent Preferences
To modify the preferences maintained by the CHARON-SSP Agent software, follow the menu path Virtual Machine > Preferences... to open a window similar to the one shown below.
The CHARON-SSP Manager password can be modified by clicking the button labelled YES, adjacent to the label Do you want to change the password?
It is possible to alter the root location of the CHARON-SSP executables. This might be useful for example, if multiple versions of CHARON-SSP have been installed, this can be used to switch between them. To change the root location, alter the pathname in the field Location.
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